Guess How Many Illegal Immigrants Are Flooding into The United States Under Biden?

Last Updated on September 10, 2022

The Joe Biden regime is actively overseeing an illegal migrant invasion of the United States of America, according to disturbing government border statistics. Under Biden, Americans are under massive overwhelming pressure from government tyranny and Third World migration. Can America be saved?

The Biden regime is now allowing so-called “legal” immigrants to receive Medicaid and food stamps without becoming a “public charge” and losing their green cards, effective in December.

Official Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers show that there have been more than two million so-called “migrant encounters” under Biden this fiscal year, and that 912,575 have received Title 8 processing and are now part of the American system. The United States saw approximately 1.7 million migrant encounters last fiscal year.

Washington, D.C. Democrat mayor Muriel Bowser is opening a new Office of Migrant Services after declaring an emergency due to the illegal immigrants pouring into the nation’s misbegotten capital city. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is sending illegal immigrants to D.C., but the move is not helping to slow illegal immigration because the majority of the migrants who enter D.C. reportedly go to other places.

Clearly, the Biden regime is engineering a demographic shift in America to weaken the existing citizen population of the United States while emboldening Third World invaders to take up space in this once-great country. The globalist conquest of America is underway, and if people don’t wake up to what’s happening then America will fall in short order to the New World Order tyrants.

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