“I Think his Hair Gel is Interfering with His Brain Function” – Gov. DeSantis Responds to Newsom’s Letter to DOJ to Investigate Shipping of Migrants

Liberal hypocrisy is on full display after Republican governors bussed illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities like Washington, Chicago, New York, and Democrat haven Martha’s Vineyard.

The most recent actions taken by Governor Greg Abbott and Governor Ron DeSantis this week have caused outrage among organizations that advocate for immigrants’ rights, as well as among Democrats and liberal media outlets, who have accused Republican governors of “political human trafficking.”

On Thursday, California Governor Newsom asked the DOJ to begin an immediate investigation against the Republican governors Abbott and DeSantis.

Newsom is basing his charges on an NPR report that some of the migrants said they were told they were being flown to Boston and would receive help with work papers.

“I strongly urge the U.S. Department of Justice (US DOJ) to open an investigation into possible criminal or civil violations of federal law based on this alleged fraudulent scheme. In particular, I urge US DOJ to investigate whether the alleged fraudulent inducement would support charges of kidnapping under relevant state laws, which could serve as a predicate offense for charges under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) provisions of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970,” according to Newsom.

However, the illegal migrants were actually thanking Gov. Ron Desantis for having brought them to Martha’s Vineyard, according to a report from MSNBC.

Watch the video below:

On Friday, Florida Governor RonDesantis responded to Newsom’s letter to the DOJ.

“The governor of California sent a letter to the Department of Justice saying that you need to prosecute Texas and Florida Governors. All I can say is, I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function,” said Gov. DeSantis.

Watch the video below:

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