President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers During Ohio Rally (VIDEO)

On Saturday night, President Trump gave a speech at a Save America rally held in Youngstown, Ohio. He was there to campaign for U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance. Additional speakers include Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Bill Johnson (R-OH) and congressional candidates Madison Gesiotto Gilbert, J.R. Majewski and Max Miller.

Trump’s Save America Super PAC said in a statement that the rally continues an “unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.”

At the rally, President Trump advocated for the death sentence for drug dealers and human traffickers, which will reduce drug distribution and crime in our country.

Watch the video below:

“Congratulations Democrats! What a rotten job you’re doing! You’re destroying our country,” said Trump.

According to President Trump, “carjackings in the city are up 57%. Much of the crime wave is caused by drug dealers who, during the course of their lives, will kill an average of 500 American citizens.”

“It’s an invasion of crime. And remember, much of the crime that we talk about is caused by drugs,” he added.

According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), trafficking of illegal drugs and human trafficking often happen together.

“For traffickers, it doesn’t matter which product is being sold — both drugs and sex are lucrative industries – as long as money is made. Drug cartels often use trafficked women and children to smuggle drugs across the border, doubling up on the money they can make from them,” DEA said.

According to the US Sentencing Commission (USCC), “drug offenses overtook immigration offenses as the most common federal crime in the fiscal year 2021, accounting for 31.3 percent of the total caseload. The 17,917 total drug cases reported to the Commission in fiscal year 2021 represent a 6.5 percent increase from the proportion of those cases in fiscal year 2020.”

Provisional data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics showed that there were approximately 15% more drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2021 than there were in 2020, with an estimated 107,622 deaths.

It can be recalled that President Trump threatened to close the southern border and turned his ire toward Mexico as another large caravan of Central Americans marched northbound en route to the United States.

President Trump fired off a series of tweets blasting our suicidal immigration laws after hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have already entered the US — and a “mother of all caravans” from Central America pushes north.

“We can’t wait another year — there is a major crisis at the border and it won’t stop unless drastic action is taken,” said Trump.

Trump was right when he said to close the southern border.

A record number of illegal aliens have entered the US this year which has overwhelmed the asylum system and drug cartels are running our border.

“Mexican drug cartels have conducted more than 9,000 drone flights into U.S. airspace in the last year to surveil American law enforcement and security operations in the southern border region,” according to Judicial Watch.

“The drones are observing federal, state, county, and city agencies near the Mexican border, including the U.S. Border Patrol, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas National Guard, county sheriffs and local police. The Border Patrol, which operates under Customs and Border Protection (CBP), has captured about a dozen of the drones, and accessed the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ (UAVs) guidance and memory systems to gain intelligence information, according to a high-level official at the agency,” the outlet reported.

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