Clown Show: White House Immediately Walks Back Joe’s Comments on Taiwan Last Night – After Joe Doubles Down

The “Walk it Back White House” strikes again.  Why can’t this “administration” develop a consistent stance on seemingly anything?  As reported by The Gateway Pundit, Joe Biden’s White House has already walked back Joe’s comments on China-Taiwan relations three times previously.  Former press secretary Jenn Psaki has walked back Joe’s advice on wearing masks on planes back in April.  They (whoever “they” is) walked back Joe’s comments from his March speech where he said “Putin cannot remain in power!”  KJP walked back Joe’s comments that its “garbage” that we’d pay a settlement to families separated at the border.  Psaki walked back Joe saying “children coming to our border is a crisis.”  And Joe himself walked back his comment that Facebook is “killing people”.

Now we have another Walk It Back to add to the mix:

Last night on CBS “60 Minutes”, Scott Pelley asked Joe Biden “what should Chinese President Xi know about your committment to Taiwan?”

Joe responded “We agree with what we signed on to, a long time ago, and that there’s one China policy and Taiwan makes their own judgement’s about their independence.  We are not encouraging they are being independent.  That is their decision.”

Pelley followed up with “…would US forces defend the island?”

To which Joe responded Yes, if there was an unprecedented attack…”

60 Minutes, however, put out a tweet that same evening that said:

“After our interview, a White House official told us U.S. policy has not changed.  Officially, the U.S. will not say whether American forces would defend Taiwan.  But the Commander-in-Chief had a view of his own.”

Joe doubled down that US forces would defend Taiwan in the face of an invasion when Pelley asked again and perhaps tried to bring Joe back to the agreed upon responses from his notecards.  Joe wasn’t catching what Pelley was slinging.

I cannot for the life of me remember an administration that has no regard for chain of command or positions of authority.  Who is calling the shots in the White House and why is Joe’s “subordinates” constantly correcting him on his policy?  Who is the person responsible for the policy that is directing this country if it’s not Joe Biden, as he is constantly being undermined by his own subordinates?

This is absolutely embarassing.  This administration is a joke.  They have zero credibility and both our allies and our enemies are laughing at us.

The post Clown Show: White House Immediately Walks Back Joe’s Comments on Taiwan Last Night – After Joe Doubles Down appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.