Mainstream Media Props Up Abbott & Desantis, Supports Illegal Immigration Stunt

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

Mainstream media outlets have begun expressing support for Republican governors spending taxpayer dollars to ship unvetted illegal immigrants deeper into the country.

The New York Times published an article that praised Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron Desantis for giving free transportation to illegal immigrants to help them move inland into Washington, D.C., Massachusetts, and Illinois.

The Times piece explained how certain illegal immigrants described the free, taxpayer-funded transportation across the country as “a blessing.”

With the foreigners not having citizen status, employers in major cities have jumped and the opportunity to hire the illegal immigrants for cheap labor.

One illegal migrant told the Times he happily accepted a free bus ride from the Southern Border to Washington D.C. after he had to pay $750 to cartel groups to guide him illegally into the United States.

National File previously reported on Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s illegal immigration and how it backfired:

As Texas Governor Greg Abbott continues vying for news coverage by spending taxpayer dollars to bus illegal immigrants to New York, NYC Mayor Eric Adams has begun to threaten to ship New Yorkers down to Texas.

Adams proposed sending New York Democrat political activists to Texas to campaign against Gov. Abbott in his gubernatorial campaign.

“I already called all of my friends in Texas and told them how to cast their vote, and I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old-fashioned door knocking because, for the good of America, we have to get him out of office,” the New York City mayor said at a press conference on Tuesday.

Abbott launched his campaign to send illegal aliens deeper into the country in April, claiming it was part of an anti-illegal immigration effort to push Democrats to adopt stricter immigration policies.

While the Texas governor’s bizarre scheme has enabled immigrants to spread all across the United States, it seems it has done nothing to help ease the immigration crisis the state is currently facing.

After spending a whopping $1.6 million to cover the transportation of illegal immigrants to Northern states, Abbott has begun to receive criticism from Texas Conservatives. “These are illegal aliens and foreign invaders. Why are you giving them what they want, and busing them deeper into the country? Ship them back across the border,” a prominent political activist in Texas, Michael Quinn Sullivan, said of the immigration escapade.

Matt Rinaldi, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, has called on Abbott to “take bold action to stop” the Southern Border crisis.

“Declare an invasion, and direct state officers to deliver illegal aliens back over the border. This is necessary to defend the safety and sovereignty of our state,” Rinaldi encouraged Abbott in a Newsweek op-ed published Tuesday.

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate questioned why Gov. Desantis is supportive of moving immigrants “further inland.” Lake, speaking with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, vowed to declare a “border invasion” on day one, should she be elected in November.

RELATED: Three Texas Counties Declare Border Emergency Over ‘Unprecedented’ Illegal Immigration Crisis

“My plan is the most bold, aggressive plan on the border. We’re going to secure the border. We’re going to call it what it is, issue a declaration of invasion on day one, get troops on the border in the form of our National Guard,” the Arizona America first candidate began.

“We’re going to stop people from coming over and we’re going to stop the cartels from having control of our border. I don’t like it as a mother and I know no Arizonan likes it that we are the pipeline for the most dangerous, deadly drug this country has ever seen – called fentanyl,” Lake added.


Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

READ MORE: Desantis Helps Illegal Immigrants Receive Social Security Numbers, Attend Public School