This is Not The Bee: Election Officials Being Targeted for Following Standard Legal Procedure by Weaponized Media

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported on the Mockingbird Media’s new found fascination with Coffee County, a small Georgia county of just 43,000 Americans.  The Washington Post alone has published no less than 4 articles in the last two weeks on Coffee.  If you only read the Mockingbird Media’s account of the events, you may believe that a rogue GOP chairwoman and “pro-Trump businessman” hijacked the Coffee County Elections office and snuck in a team of black hat hackers who covertly “breached” the entire State’s election infrastructure and compromised every future election in the state all because some deranged Trump supporters couldn’t cope with a loss in the “most secure election ever” and were frantically searching for a single shred of evidence that something malicious occurred in the 2020 election.

This, of course, is their pipe dream.  This is what they want you, the reader, to believe.  They try to achieve this by showing screen shots of surveillance video, as if the cameras were unbeknownst to the officials and technicians.  They don’t mention what occurred in Coffee County before, during and after their 2020 primary, general, and 2021 run-off elections.  They don’t mention Coffee officials reaching out to the Secretary of State during the early voting in the primary with major issues regarding their voting machines.  They don’t mention that they were essentially ignored and instead had to reach out to a neighboring jurisdiction to acquire a machine from them.  They don’t mention that ballots were being rejected at an astounding rate, but even more shocking, with a minimum 4:1 bias for Trump ballots discovered during testing.  They don’t mention that they couldn’t get their machines to produce a matching count after five separate attempts during the Nov. 3 machine recount, with tallies varying by as much as 100 ballots.  When Coffee officials refused to certify, the Secretary State intervened and “certified” the results for them, which is questionable as to the legality.  And perhaps most importantly, they don’t mention that a Dominion technician observing the run-off election was able to fix the machine with just a cell-phone call to his “boss” at Dominion.  According to Latham’s affidavit, he never touched the machines nor instructed any officials to make adjustments.  Just a phone call.

This isn’t entirely on the media, however.  The depositions of those involved, conducted by plaintiffs in Curling v. Raffensperger, rarely, if ever, touched on the circumstances leading up to the “voting software heist.”  They only addressed what occurred after the fact.

Now, through newly obtained documents by The Gateway Pundit, we are learning why the officials in Coffee County may have felt it necessary to bring in an e-discovery preservation firm:  Coffee County was issued a litigation hold by attorneys for L. Lin Wood, Jr. and Donald J. Trump on January 5th, 2021, two days before the imaging occurred.   This litigation hold included “machines used to calculate votes, including software documentation connected with the machines” and “USB, compact flash drives, portable drives, and/or hard drives of any kind used for storing data relating to the election process, votes and audits.” (see numbers 17, 26, 27, 34 of below docs)

Coffee County Georgia Legal Letter by Jim Hoft on Scribd

It is a reasonable assumption for county election officials to believe that utilizing a professional data preservation service such as Sullivan and Strickler was necessary. Just the night prior, during the run-off tabulation, officials witnessed what was either “sheer luck” or, as Cathy Latham implied in her affidavit, some sort of remote access.  With threats of pending litigation and given all of the problems that Coffee County officials had documented and reported to the Secretary of State, it would have been reckless for the official responsible for the maintenance of those machines not to ensure the data was preserved properly, with a proper chain of custody, by a professional service that specializes in that process.

But again:  the Mockingbird Media wants you to believe these election officials are criminals.


I wonder if David Becker’s Election Official Legal Defense Fund will be contributing to the Coffee County election officials legal defense?

Hat Tip Kevin and AJ

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