Daily Recap 9-26-22: Kari Lake Fires Back at RINO Liz Cheney, 1M Fentanyl Pills Found in AZ Drug Bust, and a Woman Dies 15 min After Vax IN the Pharmacy. Pharmacy Response is CRAZY!

Check out “The Daily Recap” podcast to get a brief “catch up” of the previous days biggest stories!

We will be covering some of the biggest stories on The Gateway Pundit each and every weekday, as well as a twice-weekly podcast on Wednesdays and Friday nights at 9pm EST.

In this episode:  Kari Lake fires back at Liz Cheney and tears down the Establishment GOP platform in the process!  A woman dies IN a Pharmacy 15 min after they gave her a Covid shot.  What they tell a concerned “customer” is shocking!  and 1,000,000 fentanyl pills seized in an Arizona house!  It has the lethality to kill millions!

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The post Daily Recap 9-26-22: Kari Lake Fires Back at RINO Liz Cheney, 1M Fentanyl Pills Found in AZ Drug Bust, and a Woman Dies 15 min After Vax IN the Pharmacy. Pharmacy Response is CRAZY! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.