The National Debt Makes History, Surpasses $31 Trillion

Last Updated on October 4, 2022

The United States of America under disputed politician Joe Biden made history on Tuesday October 4, 2022, when the American national debt soared past the $31 trillion mark. In recent decades, America has plunged itself into various costly losing wars while handing out a massive amount of foreign aid to unstable regimes. As a result, the national debt has only continued to accelerate.

Meanwhile at home, Americans are facing crisis levels of inflation and disturbingly high gas and food prices as mass migration cuts into the supply of domestic goods. Joe Biden’s global spending including on the multi-billion-dollar war in Ukraine against Russia is driving America even deeper into the economic hole.

At the same time, the Chinese government has signaled that it may take military action in Taiwan at some point over the next decade. A number of politicians in both parties have expressed willingness to support Taiwan, while Joe Biden recently told 60 Minutes that American servicemen would be deployed to fight China if such a situation were to occur.

As of approximately 6:52 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, the national debt was back down slightly under $31 trillion, but the national situation is still pretty dark and dour. The “Total Debt” statistic on the clock shows that America is really more than $92 trillion in the hole when you consider unfunded liabilities including the massively overbearing Social Security costs that millennials will be spending many years paying off in a declining empire. Meanwhile, Communist China is expanding its land share in the United States and running the game on enterprises including the Oklahoma marijuana market as crime explodes due to mass migration.

America’s leaders have plunged this nation into unbearable chaos. The American people must realize that their leaders will only continue to spend money to drive up our debt, which benefits the biggest owners of American debt — the U.S. Federal Reserve and China.

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