‘We Will Hold the House… by Winning More Seats’ – Pelosi Says Democrats Will Sweep Midterm Elections (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Monday night predicted the Democrats would win the House in a landslide in this year’s midterm election.

“I believe that we will win the House — hold the House. And we will hold the House — by winning more seats,” Pelosi said during an appearance on ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.’

“We won the 40 seats, then we lost some when Trump was on the ballot, we lost some on the Trump districts, but we held enough seats to hold the House with him on the ballot. He’s not on the ballot now,” the Speaker said.

Pelosi also took a swipe at Trump after mentioning his name.

“Oh! Did I say his name? I didn’t mean to!” she said.

Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats will hold onto the House because Americans are angry over January 6 and the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade.

“The greatest influx of candidates came forward, young people, people of color, people of different generations, different backgrounds and the rest. The beautiful diversity of America came forward. They didn’t pay attention to those pundits who said, ‘You can’t win,’” she said.

“When Roe v. Wade came down, boom, we were totally ready. And that just caused a whole different attitude on the part of some about whether we could win,” she added.

The Democrats are getting clobbered in the polls because of high crime and record inflation rates.

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, a new Monmouth University poll shows Republicans in the driver’s seat with just over a month to go for the midterm elections.

The poll shows a dramatic shift as Democrats lost their lead in the generic control of Congress question, plunging from 50 percent support in August to 44 percent in September while Republicans took the lead with 47 percent support up from 44 percent in August.

Republicans are dominating Democrats among independent voters on key issues of inflation, crime and immigration. Joe Biden’s extreme left agenda, supported by the Democrat-controlled House and Senate, is hurting Democrats across the board.

Stephen Colbert pushed back on Pelosi and pointed out the Democrats’ abysmal numbers in the polls.

“If you don’t mind me pointing that out, we’ve still got more than a month to go. The polls still aren’t reflecting necessarily what you’re saying,” Colbert said.


Video courtesy of Grabien News

Partial transcript courtesy of Fox News

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