PURE GOLD! Kari Lake on Project Veritas Katie Hobbs Video: “All I See Is She’s Running from a Black Reporter, Which Doesn’t Surprise Me, Spilling Her Drink and Hiding in a Bathroom”

Trump-Endorsed Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee Kari Lake held a huge press conference outside of the Arizona PBS Studio in response to their defiance and betrayal of Kari Lake, the Clean Elections Commission, and Arizona voters.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Arizona PBS is running cover for the Democrats in defiance of the Clean Elections Commission by allowing Democrat Katie Hobbs’ debate dodge and offering Hobbs a 30-minute interview in place of the scheduled debate.

BREAKING: Arizona PBS To Defy The Arizona Clean Elections Commission, Allow Katie Hobbs One-On-One Interview In Place Of Debate – Kari Lake Releases ‘Statement On PBS’ Betrayal’

We previously reported that the Arizona Clean Elections Commission rejected Democrat Katie Hobbs’ proposal to change the gubernatorial debate into a forum with separate interviews for Katie Hobbs and Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake.

This sets a horrible precedent for future debates, allowing candidates to have air-time regardless of whether or not they choose to participate in an honest debate.

The Clean Elections Commission released a statement on the matter, indicating that they will ditch PBS and postpone tonight’s Q&A forum until they can decide on a new partner, date, and venue for the debate.

Arizona’s mass-early mail-in ballots were sent to voters today, and the voters will likely not get to see a side-by-side comparison of the candidates for Governor.

Katie Hobbs is a radical leftist, and she has every single mainstream media outlet running cover for her.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Katie Hobbs’ proven record of racism and her two unanimous jury convictions for racial discrimination while serving as an Arizona State Legislator.

On Wednesday night Kari Lake took on the hostile leftist press in Arizona who attacked her after racist Katie Hobbs bailed on their debate.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson was at the event and able to ask the first question.  Jordan stands out in Arizona as the honest reporter in the mob.

TGP’s Jordan Conradson:  A recent undercover journalism expose by Project Veritas where Katie Hobbs ran from reporters again.  She also admitted to lying to an Uber driver,  somebody who actually works and pays taxes, and she wouldn’t tell him what she does for a living or the fact that she’s running for governor.  What does that tell you about her confidence in her campaign and also about her ethical standards?

Kari Lake:  Well, I don’t know much, I haven’t done a lot of research. Are you talking about the Project Veritas story that came out?  All I saw was that she was running from a black reporter, which doesn’t surprise me, spilling her food and drink all over, and hiding in a bathroom.  It surprises me not.  This woman is a maniac.  I really, I’m shocked at the level of racism I’ve seen.   You know I can’t tell you what’s going on in her mind and why she lied to the Uber driver.  It’s interesting that the Uber Driver did not even know who she is.   I’ m not shocked by that.  She’s been hiding in her basement.  I think if she walked through here half the people wouldn’t know who she is.  She’s been in hiding and she refuses to actually campaign across this state.  Meanwhile, I’ve campaigned across the state.  I’ve cleared my schedule for a debate.  I’ve cleared it again for another debate.   And I’m willing to clear it again. And I will be showing up next Tuesday.  And PBS better put us both on the stage at the same time.

Dang, she’s good!

The post PURE GOLD! Kari Lake on Project Veritas Katie Hobbs Video: “All I See Is She’s Running from a Black Reporter, Which Doesn’t Surprise Me, Spilling Her Drink and Hiding in a Bathroom” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.