Citizen Petition Urges Jim Jordan to Stand Up to Alleged CPS Child Trafficking

Last Updated on October 16, 2022

A citizen petition seeks to encourage Republican Ohio congressman Jim Jordan to take a stand against Child Protective Services (CPS), which is allegedly seizing children from their family homes and introducing the kids to lives of child prostitution in the foster care system.

A petition entitled “The People’s Notice to The Supreme Court and Jim Jordan” places the pressure on Jordan, who is seen as one of the most conservative members of Congress and became popular with routine Fox News appearances. But will Jordan step up to the plate for parents nationwide whose lives have been broken by alleged child kidnapping perpetrated by CPS?

The petition states: “It is my wish for Jim Jordan, the whole of the Legislature, and the Supreme Court Officers to declare whether the process of taking children, in return for federal funds, and force adopting them, has historical powers from the time of the American Revolution and under the Common Law. Please indicate your conclusion in light of the above Black’s Law 5th Edition definition, which states it has no historical basis in common law…”

The petition goes on: “Please take further notice that as trustees of the People, you swore by Oath to protect the rights of the People; therefore, it is my wish for you to make public statements about this issue, and for the Supreme Court to declare that this practice is not in accordance with the historical tradition of this great nation. Please respond to this notice within 14 business days as this is a matter of necessity of the People. As Trustees, you are not allowed to let this Nation’s People suffer while Trustees sit in silence. This notice is sent to you in the love of Christ and in Peace.”

I recently executive-produced Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking (WATCH IT HERE) to expose how CPS snatches kids from homes and hospitals and funnels them into the underground world of child sex slavery. States collect Title IV Social Security money for every child adopted out of foster care, thus creating financial incentives for social workers to grab kids from their families and place them into foster care with no hope for family re-unification.

The film spotlighted Contra Costa County, California, where children have died in the CPS system a short distance away from Bohemian Grove, where globalist elites reportedly practice Moloch worship. Meanwhile, Harvard-trained medical doctor Susan Spell’s case against the county of Los Angeles, in which she accuses the county of racial discrimination against her children, is docketed at the U.S. Supreme Court and could end up changing precedent to damage the CPS child-snatching system nationally. A Fox affiliate broadcast a video, which was taken by a teenage foster girl, showing a CPS worker trying to coerce the young girl into a life of prostitution: