Biden Says Refilling Oil Reserve at $70 Per Barrel Will Make Money – Trump Wanted to Refill Reserves When Oil Was $24/Barrel, But Democrats Blocked Him (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Wednesday announced the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Of course this is a political ploy ahead of the midterm elections to help Democrats.

Biden is artificially reducing the price of gas while he drains the SPR.

Look what Joe Biden has done to the SPR:

Joe Biden said his policies have reduced gas prices, however, when prices spike, it’s Putin’s fault.

Biden is only responsible for the good. When things are bad, it’s Putin’s fault.

“I have been doing everything in my power to reduce gas prices since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine caused prices to spike,” Biden said.


Biden also absurdly claimed he will be refilling the oil reserve at $70 a barrel to make money.

“By selling from the [oil reserve] at the higher price of $90 earlier this year and then re-filling it in the future at a lower price around $70 will actually make money,” said Biden.

Just two years ago the Democrats blocked President Trump from filling the Strategic Oil Reserves at $24 per barrel.

The Democrats cost the US BILLIONS in potential profits, Bloomberg News reported.

Joe Biden and the Democrats destroy everything they touch.


The post Biden Says Refilling Oil Reserve at $70 Per Barrel Will Make Money – Trump Wanted to Refill Reserves When Oil Was $24/Barrel, But Democrats Blocked Him (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.