DC Comics Cancels Bisexual, Woke Superman Series Over Lack Of Sales

Last Updated on October 22, 2022

DC Comics announced last week it would be canceling a Superman series full of Leftist propaganda.

DC, the publisher of both Batman and Superman comics, had created a Superman series in which the main character is a bisexual man and climate change activist. The series was canceled due to poor sales reports.

In the series, the protagonist is a 17-year-old, Jon Kent. Jon is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Jon’s story is filled with controversial political and social topics like homosexuality, climate change, school shootings, and illegal immigration.

Graphics advertising the series were posted to Twitter.

Tom Taylor, the series’ author, defended the wokeism of the series in an interview last year.

“New Superman had to have new fights — real world problems — that he could stand up to as one of the most powerful people in the world,” Taylor told the New York Times.

“The idea of replacing Clark Kent with another straight white saviour felt like a missed opportunity,” Taylor added.

One former DC Comics artist has spoken out against Taylor for his far-Left political views. Gabe Eltaeb was a colorist for the Superman series that quit his job last October due to the progressivism pushed by Taylor and DC Comics.

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Eltaeb announced he was leaving after DC Comics changed Superman’s motto from “Truth, Justice, and the American Way” to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow.”

“I’m finishing out my contract with DC. I’m tired of this s***, I’m tired of them ruining these characters; they don’t have a right to do this,” Eltaeb proclaimed.

“What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world. F*** that, it was Truth, Justice, and the American way,” Eltaeb continued.

“My grandpa almost died in World War II; we don’t have a right to destroy s*** that people died for to give us. It’s a bunch of f****** nonsense.”

They call us bigots and racist and s***, I would ask them, find me in the f****** mainstream, not on the fringes, one f****** book, one f****** T-shirt, one movie that says that leftism is bad, and conservatism is good, find it for me, they f****** won’t they’re not letting people have a voice, they’re the f****** bigots,” Eltaeb added.

Hearing news of the bisexual Superman series being canceled, Eltaeb took to Twitter to celebrate.

1 year ago, I stood on principle and left [DC Comics] for their U.S. hating book by SJW (social justice warrior) narcissist Tom Taylor. I win,” Eltaeb tweeted.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

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