Biden Admin Continues to Promote COVID Boosters

The Biden Administration is continuing to shill for its allies in the pharmaceutical industry. Despite overwhelming evidence that the Covid-19 booster doing next to nothing prevent the transmission of the virus, the messaging from the White House regarding vaccinations has not changed from last year when the administration attempted to coerce Americans by threatening their livelihoods. After famously asserting that the pandemic is over, Biden and his allies continue to push booster shots on the American public

In an attempt to gain further compliance on boosters, Biden made an appearance with CEOs from many of the country’s largest pharmacies where he received his booster shot. Biden added that the booster “is incredibly effective, but the truth is, not enough people are getting it. We’ve got to change that”.

Recent survey data suggests that Americans overwhelmingly seem to be skeptical about the efficacy of the updated Covid-19 booster shot.

Vox writer Umair Irfan seems to be lamenting the fact that Americans are less skeptical about the existence of a supernatural canine creature than they are about the safety and effectiveness of one of the newest concoctions of the pharmaceutical industry.

Skepticism toward Covid vaccines has increased since the vaccines were originally trotted out after President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” as a way to end the pandemic. After the initial vaccines were made available, the Biden Administration and its allies in the administrative state have taken on an authoritarian nature in attempting to force the vaccines on every American citizen. Just recently, the CDC unanimously decided to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the vaccine schedule for children to attend public school.

In addition to booster skepticism, many parents oppose getting their children the Covid-19 vaccine. While the medical establishment in Washington is in consensus, health experts in other areas do not support a mass vaccination program for school-aged children. Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Surgeon General in Florida, has vocally opposed these efforts, citing that benefits do not outweigh risks.

RELATED: Denmark Advises Citizens Under 50 to Not Get COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters 

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