Medical Freedom Advocates Speak Out After Biden Administration Is Exposed Censoring and Silencing Their Voices

In the summer of 2021, the Biden administration held a press conference publicly naming 12 individuals as the “Disinformation Dozen.” Using a report generated by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Jen Psaki stated that these 12 “dangerous” individuals had a combined following of 59 million people across multiple social media platforms and that 65% of the Covid “disinformation” came from them.

This list was comprised of reputable people such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Charlene and Ty Bollinger, all of whom have spent decades fighting back against Big Pharma and educating others on the government’s collusion with the pharmaceutical industry to control our health and profit from perpetuating sickness. 

We now know that the Biden Administration colluded with Facebook to facilitate the removal of numerous accounts of the “Disinformation Dozen” in an effort to control what they deemed as “disinformation” about COVID, and the platform obliged according to leaked communications. In newly revealed documents retrieved via FOIA requests, it is evident that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) actively sought to censor the “Disinformation Dozen” by colluding with Facebook.  

“Thanks to successful freedom of information lawsuits brought by a variety of watchdog organizations, together with the lawsuits against the federal government and big tech brought forward by Louisiana’s and Missouri’s Attorneys General Jeff Landry and Eric Schmitt, we have learned that the Department of Homeland Security and “A veritable army of federal bureaucrats are involved in censorship activities ‘across the federal enterprise’”.

Propaganda, censorship, disinformation and infiltration/disruption campaigns have been actively deployed against the medical freedom movement as well as many others in an effort to promote uptake of unlicensed experimental vaccines and to eliminate any possibility for US citizens to be able to become fully informed about the lack of safety and efficacy of these products,” Dr. Robert Malone told this GP journalist.

Subsequent meetings between the Biden administration and social media networks led to other platforms engaging in suppressing the free speech rights of their users, including the “Disinformation Dozen.” This included alternative health advocates, lawyers, and activists who took incredible risks to alert the American public about the dangers surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines. 

Charlene Bollinger and her husband Ty have produced multiple documentary mini-series (“docu-series”) on health freedom in medical choices, including The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines. The Bollinger’s YouTube channel, The Truth About Cancer, had thousands of uploads discussing alternative medicine and issuing warnings about Big Pharma over the last two decades, netting them 40+ million views before being banned permanently for speaking out about the COVID vaccines. 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who has spent decades warning about the risks and detrimental side-effects of dozens of vaccines, lost his Facebook and Instagram accounts a year after the report was issued naming him as one of the “Disinformation Dozen.” Not surprisingly his removal from Facebook and Instagram came as his 2021 book “The Real Anthony Fauci” hit 1 million total copies sold. 

VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft Interviews Robert Kennedy, Jr. – On His New Book “A Letter to Liberals” and His First Comment on Fauci’s Retirement

For decades, before Democrats and the mainstream media became cheerleaders for Big Pharma, Kennedy was lauded for his efforts to take on the pharmaceutical industry. But with the advent of COVID, these same groups used this public health crisis to cash in, censor political opponents, and control our lives with unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates. 

Dozens of renowned medical experts, like Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough, would eventually be banned because of collusion and censorship campaigns like the ones initiated by Biden’s DHHS in 2021. In like manner, millions of other Americans from every walk of life were also de-platformed due to government collusion with Big Tech to control the narrative. 

Just today, TGP reported on Dr. McCollugh’s “Freedom From Pharma” project.

Dr. Peter McCullough On The “Brand New Model” Bringing “Freedom From Pharma” To Americans

Even as lauded professionals in their field for many years, simply questioning the response to COVID-19 and the safety or efficacy of the vaccines were more than enough for the Biden administration to systematically besmirch their good names rather than take their research into account.

The worst part about this censorship is not the infringement of our first amendment rights or the hatred it created toward the “Disinformation Dozen” and other “anti-vaxxers.” The worst part is that by silencing the “Disinformation Dozen” and censoring the information they were attempting to share, thousands were killed and permanently injured. 

Information readily available through the CDC on the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) shows that there are 1.4 million people who have reported adverse medical effects from the COVID vaccines. This includes 17,000 heart attacks, 60,000 permanently disabled, 35,000 life-threatening issues, 53,000 cases of myocarditis, 181,000 hospitalizations and 31,000 deaths.

Even as the CDC and Big Pharma finally admit they lied to us about the safeness and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, and not a single person (medical professional or otherwise) in the Biden administration is discussing the people damaged from the lies, collusion, and censorship.

Four months ago, the Bollingers released a documentary titled “Propaganda Exposed,” but they were heavily censored. The documentary featured dozens of healthcare experts, activists, pastors, lawyers, and others who led the charge in speaking out against the injustices Americans faced as a result of the pandemic and exposed the various methods of propaganda used to control us. 

At that time, this GP journalist was one of the first to report on the docu-series.

Healthcare Freedom Activists Releasing “Propaganda Exposed” Documentary May 4th

Since then, Google has been shown to systematically remove episodes of the docu-series stating it violates Google Drive’s Terms of Service – specifically their “Misleading Content” policy. 

Despite this incredible censorship, the Bollingers remain committed to truth-telling and are re-releasing their new and updated docu-series – Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED] – beginning November 9th

Sign up to watch for free.

Throughout human history, those who tell inconvenient and uncomfortable truths have been ostracized, demonized, and attacked by those in power. What we have experienced in the past two years is no exception to that rule. I am not surprised that history is once again repeating itself. However, Ty and I feel that it is important to continue exposing these schemes meant to silence us all into submission,” said Charlene Bollinger.

People like the Bollingers, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and others deserve credit where credit is due. So do millions of Americans who risked their livelihoods, social standing, and safety by speaking out and trying to warn others. They had their businesses shut down, careers ended, and saw the fracturing of lifelong friendships and banishment from close family members who bought into the propaganda from the Biden administration and mainstream media. 

In the end, those who were censored – the “conspiracy theorists” – were right all along.  

This GP journalist can’t help but wonder, when it’s all over, how many lives could have been saved if this censorship didn’t occur?

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