Charlie Crist Would Install Mask Mandate If Elected Governor

Charlie Crist, the Democratic Party Nominee for Governor of Florida, announced at a media event on Monday that he would install a mask mandate if elected governor, and that he would listen to the “science.”

“As Florida’s Governor, would you be open to mandating or regulating masks?” the reporter asked Crist.

“I would be open to doing what scientists advise. I just read an article this morning, I’m glad you brought it up. So I’m going to the airport after this, I’m going to Orlando,” Crist said.

“I’m going to wear a mask on the plane. You don’t have to anymore, but I’m going to because Florida is experiencing an uptick which began this week. And it’s not even the Omicron B2, it’s a new variant,” he said.

“Very poignant question. Thank you,” Crist added.

In contrast, incumbent Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a pronounced pro-liberty leader.

9/11 FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, protested a mask mandate soon after it was brought to the Florida political discussion table.

Detailed in the book, “She Wears No Yellow Badge” Edmonds, who was targeted by the FBI in a years-long campaign, pushed back against the idea of a state-wide mask mandate in Florida in 2020, an effort in which she was successful.

The Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladaapo, spoke with Del BigTree of TheHighWire on October 24th about COVID-era mandates.

“I think a snowflake has a better chance in hell than Governor DeSantis or myself somehow changing our position on these vaccines,” Dr. Ladapo said.

“It is such a simple and clear moral issue. You either prioritize humans or you don’t. That’s going to change with me. It’s certainly not going to change with him. Nothing is going to change here in Florida,” the surgeon general said.

The Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., PhD., issued guidance that recommended against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males aged 18-39 years old.

“We decided to do the study, and I did direct the Department of Health to do the study, because as you know and as many people have recognize, there’s literally this unending propaganda campaign pushing these vaccines on every living being on this planet and ignoring any message or any signal that says otherwise,” Ladapo said.

Governor Ron DeSantis (R) reiterated his position on vaxx mandates.

“As long as I am Governor in Florida there will not be a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for children in our schools,” DeSantis declared.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.