WATCH: Project Veritas Films ‘Illegal Electioneering’ For Fetterman, Shapiro in Philadelphia

Last Updated on November 9, 2022

Using an undercover camera crew, Project Veritas caught numerous instances of what is referred to as “electioneering” at a Philadelphia polling place. In the undercover video filmed by Project Veritas, the crew was instructed on who to vote for just feet from the entrance to one of the city’s polling places. Campaign posters for now senator and governor elect Fetterman and Shapiro were also observed just outside voting machines.

“This is a Democratic Party form,” says a “committee person” identified by the outlet as Rudy Stewart. The self-identified committeeman then produces a stack of papers titled “Official Democratic City Committee Ballot” for the 2022 general election in Philadelphia County. “Here’s the ballot,” Stewart says while speaking to an undercover reporter.

At another point in the Project Veritas video, Stewart motions to arriving voters and says, “”Anyone need Democratic Party information?” He then handed them one of the forms.

Later on, Stewart can be seen pointing to a table of Pennsylvania candidates pinned to a wall. When reading Republican Senate Candidate Mehmet Oz’s name, Stewart added that “we’re scared of him.”

“I’m scared of him. We’re scared of him,” Stewart states, gesturing to Oz’s name, then to GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano. “So don’t vote for them?” the Project Veritas reporter asks. “Yes,” Stewart affirms. “These guys are scary.”

Another self-identified “committee-person,” identified by Project Veritas as James Harrison, told an undercover reporter that, “I just help out whoever, the majority of the community supports.”

“So you’re telling me I should vote John Fetterman? I should vote Joshua Shapiro?” the undercover journalist then asked. “If you vote Democrat, all of them are the Democratics [sic]. They only got one against one,” Harrison replied.

The Project Veritas video cites a section in Philadelphia County’s training guide for election board officials that defines electioneering, which includes “Handing out campaign materials” and “Telling voters which candidates to support.” Both components were demonstrated in the video.

In addition, reporters observed campaign posters for both Fetterman and Shapiro hanging at the entrance of the polling center.

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