Roger Stone Reinstated On Twitter – Hopefully Gateway Pundit Is Next!

Nearly five years after longtime political strategist, NYT bestseller, and Trump advisor Roger Stone was banned on Twitter after exposing core parts of the Uranium One scandal and being mean to CNN anchor Don Lemon, the colorful political commentator has officially regained access to his original account, @RogerJStoneJr.

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: Roger Stone, Outspoken Voice On Uranium One, Is Now BANNED from Twitter

Stone had been experiencing rapid growth in terms of his monthly impressions, retweets and likes on his account before the censorship police at Twitter nuked the account.

Following his suspension, courageous journalist and fellow truth-seeker Julian Assange of Wikileaks, called out Twitter’s hypocrisy for removing Stone’s account on the platform.

Julian Assange Calls Out Twitter’s Hypocrisy For Permanently Banning Roger Stone

In terms of notable figures robbed of their voices on all Big Tech platforms, Stone was one of the earliest prominent thought leaders targeted by the progressives at Twitter and later Facebook / Instagram a few years later.

Like many others who received news of their removal from Twitter, Stone had other accounts to promote his blog Stone Cold Truth, was also given a pink slip. Mr. Stone now publishes his political commentary at STONEZONE.COM and hosts a daily show on Lindell TV, which you can find here.

Roger was unable to communicate with his near 1 million followers during his trial that was a result of the corrupt Mueller witch-hunt against President Donald J. Trump

“I am gratified to have my Twitter account reinstated. You don’t appreciate the loss of your free speech rights until you lose them. I salute Elon Musk for his commitment to fairness and free speech. I was banned for life over five years ago. In the interim I have been redeemed in the Blood of Jesus Christ and will use my voice to promote God’s truth. I urge people to look forward, rather than backwards,” Stone told this GP journalist. 

TGP Founder Jim Hoft wrote an open letter to Twitter CEO Elon Musk in late November petitioning the billionaire to reinstate suspended accounts. Shortly after Musk published a Twitter poll asking if banned users should be brought back, which millions of users answered in the affirmative.

Elon Musk Publishes Poll on Twitter to “Offer General Amnesty to Suspended Accounts” After TGP’s Letter

Stone’s return to Twitter follows dozens of previously banned pro-Trump accounts being let out of the Big Tech gulag, including the courageous Juanita Broaddrick, one of Bill Clinton’s earliest victims.

Juanita Broaddrick Is Latest To Be Brought Back To Twitter By Elon Musk

“Today is the 31st anniversary of my marriage to Nydia Stone in Washington DC, a wedding President Trump attended. I cannot think of a better anniversary present,” Stone concluded. 


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