Russian Media Focuses on European Energy Crisis

Last Updated on December 27, 2022

RT, the Russian-funded television network previously known as Russia Today, recently broadcasted a commercial depicting the European people suffering at Christmastime due to sacrifices made on their behalf as a result of sanctions on Russian energy. The loss of a former major fuel import source has left European leaders scrambling for alternatives as a number of nations have warned of blackouts and rationing this winter.

Europeans are struggling with an energy and fuel crisis as European politicians support former comedian and current Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s and the war in Ukraine. Zelensky recently showed up to the United States Congress in a sweatshirt to cement his latest round of funding from American taxpayers, despite America’s multi-trillion dollar debt. The United States has now reportedly spent over $100 billion within the last year on Ukraine’s war effort.

RT’s commercial claims that Europeans will have a bleak future if the war in Ukraine continues. The loss of Russian energy exports as a result of EU sanctions have led to massive price hikes and energy rationing plans across the continent, particularly in Germany, where more than a quarter of natural gas imports came from the Kremlin prior to the conflict.

The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines earlier this year further exasperated the crisis, as European nations will now have fewer options to negotiate if they choose to do so.

Vladimir Putin’s Russia has styled itself as a pro-Christian alternative to NATO, which promotes decadence and endless war, the Kremlin claims.

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