Baby Dies of Blood Clot After Transfusion of COVID-Vaccinated Blood

Last Updated on December 29, 2022

A 45-day-old baby named Alexander Eliot Bly died of a blood clot on February 17th, 2022, after a transfusion of likely-vaccinated blood was administered against the wishes and without the knowledge of Alex’s parents at Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington.

“This is my son before and after he got a blood transfusion of poisoned blood. We begged the hospital to let us get pure blood. They refused and gave the blood to him without consent. He developed a blood clot instantly that stretched from his knee to his heart. He made it to two weeks before died,” Hertzler said in a Facebook post.

Alexander’s parents, Ron Bly and Cornelia Hertzler, made their desire to use unvaccinated directed-donor blood clear, but the blood donation was not available by the scheduled TEF surgery on January 24th.

“They would not even consider it was the blood transfusion that killed him. They did admit it was the blood clot that killed him. I’m hoping it can warn others about the danger of the blood from the blood bank,” baby Alexander’s mother said.

Hertzler also revealed that the hospital threatened to sic Child Protective Services (CPS) on them.

“They also threatened [that], if we didn’t agree to the use of [vaccinated] blood, they would call CPS,” the mother said. “They mentioned court too, although I think these are more scare tactics because once we actually went to the blood bank and talked to the right people we were able to get permission.”

Baby Alex Birth Certificate

“They told us that blood clots in babies are very rare, but that thinners will fix it but that did not happen,” Alex’s mother Cornelia said.

Baby Alex in Hospital

“I think that there is a little bit more freedom here with regards to protected use and directed-donor use,” Hertzler said in her comparison of the USA and New Zealand.

Hertzler revealed that her uncle died in the 1990’s from a blood transfusion which used HIV-infected blood.

“Having that history, I told the blood bank. I said [to the blood bank], ‘You know, my family member died of this. If I don’t trust the blood now and I want to get my own donor blood, it should make sense,” Hertzler said.

“She was trying to bring it back around to the whole question of vaccinated blood and how silly it was that I would even bring that up, but that did make her pause for a second because the blood bank doesn’t have the best history here,” Hertzler added.

Alex was born with tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), a condition in which there is an abnormal connection between the trachea and esophagus which can cause heart-related issues. In Alex’s case, he had a double-outlet right ventricle (DORV), a congenital heart defect in which two large blood vessels cannot connect with the heart. The condition has a high rate of survivability.

“If they were, they didn’t show it at first. They just followed protocol…but I think as time went on they started to realize he wasn’t going to make it. At least they waited until they knew 100 percent he was going to die before they told us that he was going to die,” Cornelia said.

“However, we were very suspicious all along obviously. I mean It’s hard to give up hope. You want to trust them. You think, ‘They’ll figure this out,’ the mother added.

“We got him the safe blood–the rest of the time he was in there he got directed donor blood, but that first initial time that was all it took,” Cornelia said.

“I honestly thought he was going to die. That was my first thought,” Cornelia said when asked how she reacted when she saw Alex being given vaccinated blood.

Cornelia told the podcast host that several people online told her they had had similar experiences in that they knew people who were negatively affected after a COVID-vaccinated-blood transfusion.

The interviewer asked Hertzler about the apparent ongoing battle between good and evil which is raging throughout the globe.

“Well, I mean if there’s great evil there’s obviously great good. I think part of the attack on the babies is: they are the most innocent and most pure of us so when you hurt a baby, it’s the greatest evil,” she said. “That’s what the evil feeds off of.”

“Protecting the babies, that’s where the good flourishes,” she added.

“It’s not been easy but I just remind myself everything is temporary, including our lives here. Alex’s life was temporary. It didn’t last very long, but the impact continues. It’s a little bit difficult for me to put into words where I get my strength,” Hertzler said.

RELATED: DISTURBING VIDEO: New Zealand Police Force Parents to Accept Vaccinated Blood Transfusion at Gunpoint

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