REVEALED… Natalie Winters: Arizona Was The “Main State” Where CCP-Connected Carter Center Monitored Midterm Election – Group Has Monitored Over 100 Elections in 39 Countries Including BRAZIL (VIDEO)

Investigative reporter Natalie Winters joined Bannon’s War Room Monday to discuss the Chinese Communist Party-funded Carter Center’s involvement in a “globalist and a global concerted effort” in the United States elections and Brazil’s recent election.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the Carter Center, who claim to be nonpartisan election observers, and their potentially illegal involvement in Georgia.

GEORGIA ELECTION CORRUPTION: Georgia’s Corrupt SOS Raffensperger and His Special Counsel Ryan Germany Bring In CCP-Connected Carter Center to Monitor Midterm Election

“Arizona was their main state,” said Winters.

According to a report on the War Room website, “The Carter Center has been conducting “election observation” missions for over 100 elections across 39 countries.

Winters told Bannon that in Brazil, the Carter Center was “given sole access to really vet these machines before they were used.”

If this occurred in Maricopa County, one of the Carter Center’s “primary targets,” that may explain the catastrophe that occurred on Election Day.

In Maricopa County, over 50% of tabulators and printers failed the moment that polls opened, causing voters to be turned away from the polls and creating long wait times of four hours or more. According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates. County Elections officials failed to give an adequate explanation of these failures and seemingly lied under oath in Kari Lake’s recent trial. This and other election catastrophes in Maricopa County possibly stole the election from Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, and other Republican candidates.

The Maricopa County Midterm Election disaster is currently undergoing multiple legal challenges.

Read the latest updates on Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh’s historic election lawsuits!

As Reported on War Room,

While maintaining these compromising ties, one of the primary operations of the Carter Center has been conducting “election observation” missions for over 100 elections across 39 countries.

Since 2020, it has pledged to carry out similar operations in the U.S.

“The Carter Center has been working to support elections at home by providing objective information about the election process and advancing good practices in transparency,” outlines the center before noting “our efforts have expanded in 2022 and will continue to grow in the run-up to 2024.”

Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Florida, and North Carolina are the primary states of interest for the Carter Center.

For example, the Carter Center was recently selected by Georgia’s Fulton County Board of Elections and the Performance Review Board to send “nonpartisan election observers” to oversee the upcoming Nov. 8 midterms. Fulton County, which includes the city of Atlanta, was reportedly a hotbed of voter fraud during the 2020 election.

The Carter Center is also conducting operations in Arizona, recently launching the Arizona Democracy Resilience Network to suppress discussion of voter fraud among candidates and combat election “misinformation.” Among the group’s demands are that candidates “cooperate with elections officials” and “avoid spreading falsehoods.”

“When you have candidates talking about fraud when there’s really been no evidence of fraud and fraud before an election is even held, it presents the kind of atmosphere out there that can lead to things down the road that you just don’t want to see happen,” explained Arizona Democracy Resilience Network co-director Don Henninger.

The Arizona Democracy Resilience Network has identified Maricopa and Pima counties as its primary targets, both of which were believed to have been plagued with extensive voter fraud during the 2020 election.

In an effort to boost confidence in the security of Arizona’s elections, which will be administered by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, the Carter Center’s group is sponsoring statewide events such as “Follow the Ballot: Be Confident Your Vote Is Counted” to undercut claims of voter fraud.

In addition to its Arizona and Georgia operations, the Carter Center is also behind the North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections, which is sponsoring a state-wide “Trusted Elections” tour.

The group was also operating in Brazil’s election and are reportedly involved in efforts to control the narrative surrounding election fraud and the massive protests that are occurring.

War Room reported,

The Carter Center – supposedly serving as “independent” observers of Brazil’s recent presidential election – is partnered with several Chinese Communist Party-funded foreign influence groups, War Room can reveal.

The center, founded by its namesake, former president Jimmy Carter, has also signed agreements with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Ministry of Civil Affairs to cooperate on the administration of notoriously corrupt elections in China.

The Carter Center was dispatched to Brazil to engage in “nonpartisan election observation,” as it has done for over 100 elections in dozens of countries.

“The mission focused on issues related to the function and transparency of the voting technology systems, disinformation about the use of those systems, and the legal framework governing the use of voting technology,” explains a summary.

The group’s November 4th report on the integrity of Brazil’s recent presidential election, however, makes no mention of credible allegations of fraud or the massive protests occurring as a result.

Instead, the report described these claims as “fake news”

This is not the only shady activity that Katie Hobbs, who oversaw her own election as Secretary of State, is tied to.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Ponzi scheme cryptocurrency exchange FTX appears to have played a role in Arizona’s stolen midterm election after funneling millions of dollars into Phoenix-based Protect Our Future PAC to support Democrats like Katie Hobbs. 

Additionally, Hobbs, whose election is still under question and litigation, is also under fire after it was revealed that she collected as much as $250,000 from donors using a “dark money” operation with zero disclosure. 

Arizona State Senators and Senate leadership are now looking into investigating Katie Hobbs for this possible corruption.

Arizona State Senators Call For Investigation Into Katie Hobbs Charging Donors As Much As $250,000 Using “Dark Money” Group Headquartered At Democrat Law Firm For Inaugural Events

Natalie Winters joined the War Room to discuss the Carter Center’s involvement in Brazil and Arizona.

Winters: In terms of the election integrity battle here in the United States, part of the reason that we haven’t seen, I think, really any real inquiry or investigation into the fraud that occurred in Brazil is because, if people remember the nonpartisan group that was brought in to be responsible for election observation in Brazil; It was supposed to be nonpartisan, no conflicts of interest. They were given sole access to really vet these machines before they were used, was the Carter Center. Now we have a report up on the War Room site talking about how this group is intimately involved, including receiving money from the Chinese Communist Party and their various foreign influence groups. But you know where else the Carter Center was heavily active and brought in as the independent nonpartisan election observer? Swing states in the United States Midterm Election.

Bannon: Aren’t they all over Arizona for instance, in the Carter organization and Arizona is one of those swing states ma’am?

Winters: Exactly, Arizona was their main state. The funniest thing, there were two elections in all of 2022 that they put out post election statements about, saying that no election fraud occurred and that people who say otherwise are engaging in misinformation and disinformation. Do you know what those two elections were? Brazil and Arizona. So, this is an example of how there really is both a globalist and a global concerted effort.

Watch the full interview below:

The post REVEALED… Natalie Winters: Arizona Was The “Main State” Where CCP-Connected Carter Center Monitored Midterm Election – Group Has Monitored Over 100 Elections in 39 Countries Including BRAZIL (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.