Website Brings Together Unvaccinated People, Helps Find Unvaccinated Blood and Fertility Matches

A website called seeks to create an international community of people who resisted the Coronavirus needle injection. The website aims to foster unvaccinated dating matches and to provide information to people to help them receive unvaccinated blood for medical procedures and unvaccinated fertility donors.

Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, governments and the mainstream media have been running immersive propaganda to convince people to take the vaccine, with even Sesame Street character Elmo deputized to shill for the practice of injecting small children with the needle.

Vaccine refusers have faced peer pressure and social ostracizing as they try to keep themselves and their families safe from mRNA injections as young people “die suddenly” in a horrifying fashion. Some vaccine refusers are now evidently trying to give like-minded people a sense of belonging, and hope.

The Unjected website explains: “Created by two moms in Hawaii, during the height of the vaccine rollout spring 2021; Unjected is a multi-faceted platform of health conscious, covid-19 unvaccinated humans who believe in medical freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of speech & bodily autonomy. After slander in the media, we have grown to an ever multiplying 110,000 members in 85 different countries around the world in pursuit of love, friendships, community, business connections, and even blood directories & fertility directories to find donors that are free from experimental synethetic mRNA injections to protect the integrity of the control group population.”

“Unjected is for any Covid-19 unvaccinated adult, who is looking for connection with like minded individuals in their area or across the world,” the Unjected website explains. “Features to help you find love with partners free of synthetic mRNA. Find friendships with those who truly understand “what’s really going on.” Social feeds without fact checkers.  Listings features to connect and do business with those who have always been mandate free or find local artists and creatives to support your local unvaccinated community. If you’re concerned about the tainted blood supply, find your safe blood match. Or even if you’re looking for donors for reproductive services that are Free from synthetic mRNA. Unjected is for you.”