Smithsonian National Air And Space Museum Kicks Out Catholic Students For Wearing Pro-Life Hats

The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum is under fire for kicking out students wearing pro-life beanies inside. WYFF-TV in Greenville, South Carolina reported yesterday that parents of the students are considering legal action against the museum.

The students wanted to attend the museum after the March for Life Rally on January 20. A security guard ordered them to take off the beanies and removed the kids after they refused.

A parent of one of the students posted on Twitter that the reason her daughter and the others were wearing beanies was so they could identify each other in the National Air and Space Museum. Unfortunately, this explanation was not good enough for the security officer.

Either religious or political discrimination on the part of the security guard is likely the culprit. The mother noted that a woman wearing a pride mask was allowed to stay in the museum while the kids were booted from the premises.

The Gateway Pundit last month reported on a similar case of discrimination when a man was kicked out of the Mall of America in Minnesota for wearing a “Jesus Saves” shirt.

Here is the full story from WYFF-TV:

Parents could be taking legal action after they say their students were kicked out of a Washington D.C. museum for wearing pro-life beanies.

An attorney from the American Center of Law and Justice says 12 Our Lady of the Rosary School students and chaperones were kicked out of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for wearing pro-life hats.

The students had just attended the March for Life Rally on Jan. 20 when they say a security guard stopped them, calling the museum a “neutral zone,” and telling them they’d need to remove their hats or leave.

“They should be allowed to wear the hats that they were wearing and to be able to express themselves,” said parent Nora Luz Kriegel. “And I felt it was very wrong that this person harassed them.”

Kriegel has two young children attending Our Lady of the Rosary in Greenville County. Though they didn’t attend this rally, she is one of several people writing to the museum and petitioning for change.

“Children deserve to be treated with respect and these children are standing up for human life. For the most innocent human life,” she said. “I just don’t understand at all in my being how anybody could look at something that says “pro-life” and say that that is something that is offensive to them in any way shape or form.”

A spokesperson from the National Air and Space Museum responded in an email:

“Asking visitors to remove hats and clothing is not in keeping with our policy or protocols. We provided immediate training to prevent a re-occurrence of this kind of incident, and have determined steps to ensure this does not happen again.”

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