23 Baltimore Schools Have Zero Students Proficient in Math

Last Updated on February 13, 2023

Parents and residents are demanding answers after an analysis of Baltimore schools found a significant number of city schools where not a single student was proficient in math at their grade level.

The Maryland State Department of Education recently released the 2022 state test results known as MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program.

According to the results, Baltimore’s math scores were found to be the lowest in the state Just 7 percent of third-through-eighth graders tested proficient in math, meaning that 93% of students could not do math at their grade level.

Project Baltimore recently released results from a more comprehensive analysis, in which the group analyzed test scores from all 150 of the city’s schools. Ultimately, Project Baltimore identified 23 schools where not one student was proficient in math, Fox 45 reported.

“We’re not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who previously filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims that the city is failing to educate students and is misusing city funds as a result.

“My immediate reaction is, take your kids out of these schools,” Patterson said in response to Project Baltimore’s findings. “It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability, “he said. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, 10 were high schools, eight elementary, three middle/high schools and two elementary/middle schools.

Exactly 2,000 students, in total, took the state math test at these schools, though not one was able to demonstrate proficiency. In addition to the 23 schools without any math proficiency, another 20 Baltimore City Schools had just one or two students test proficient, Fox 45 reported.

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