McCarthy Vows to Release January 6 Footage to Public

Last Updated on March 10, 2023

In a Wednesday interview with Breitbart News, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said all January 6 footage would be released to the public. McCarthy’s commitment to release the Capitol protest tapes to the public comes on the heels of Tucker Carlson showing previously unseen January 6 footage that he obtained from Speaker McCarthy. So far, McCarthy has not provided a date for the January 6th footage to be released to the public.

When asked if the January 6 tapes would be released to the public, McCarthy answered in the affirmative.

“I think it’s better for transparency that anyone can make their own decision up, and as we walk through these, there are many more hours of tapes than the January 6 committee told us. It’s not 14,000. It’s 42,000 hours,” the California Republican told reporters.

Stew Peters has been calling on Speaker McCarthy to release the January 6 tapes to the public. On February 28, Peters tweeted, “Kevin McCarthy lied about the J6 tapes. He is actively participating in a coverup. We want the J6 tapes because that’s what was promised to us. Not some half-baked partial release supervised by someone we didn’t choose. We were promised the tapes, we want the tapes.”

Twitter users were quite supportive of McCarthy’s announcement that he was releasing the J6 tapes to the public.

Speaker McCarthy has yet to provide a date when the footage ill be released to the public.

McCarthy previously only provided Tucker Carlson with the unseen January 6 footage, snippets of which were later aired by the Fox News host this past Monday.

The portions that have been released to this point have poked major holes in Biden Administration/leftist narratives regarding the day’s events. Footage shows United States Capitol Police helping Jacob Chansley — also known as the QAnon Shaman — walk into multiple rooms within the Capitol complex. Footage also showed January 6th attendees waiting in line at the Capitol ropes like any ordinary Capitol Hill tourist.

In response to the release, Democrats have called on Carlson and Fox News to be censored. U.S. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on Fox News boss Rupert Murdoch to sideline Carlson due to “disinformation” and “assaults on democracy” taking place on his show.

RELATED: McConnell, GOP Senators Attack Tucker Carlson Over January 6 Footage Release

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