House Dems to Boycott Congressional Hearings on Border Crisis

Last Updated on March 14, 2023

All 15 House Democrats who serve on the House Homeland Security Committee will boycott Wednesday’s Congressional hearing on the U.S. Southern Border in McAllen, Texas. The Biden Administration is under pressure to secure the southern border. Over the weekend, thousands of illegal immigrants attempted to overrun U.S. border patrol.

House Judiciary’s Twitter page tweeted on the hearing on Tusday afternoon. “Last month, Democrats boycotted our hearing on illegal immigration in Arizona. Tomorrow, House Homeland Security Committee Democrats will boycott @HomelandGOP’s hearing on the border crisis in Texas. Why are Democrats scared to face the truth?”

In response to the Democrats’ plans to skip tomorrow’s hearings, Congressman Michael Guest(TX), who serves on the House Homeland GOP Committee, tweeted, “At least 1,000 migrants bombarded our border this weekend in an attempt to cross illegally. Unlike the Biden Administration, Republicans are not ignoring this crisis. I’m traveling to McAllen to meet with the CBP Chief to work on fixing this crisis.”

Democrat House Homeland Ranking member, Bennie Thompson (MD), told the Washington Examiner, “Unfortunately, it has become clear that Republicans planned to politicize this event from the start, breaking with the committee’s proud history of bipartisanship. Instead of a fact-finding mission to develop better border security and immigration policies, Republicans are traveling to the border to attack the administration and try to score political points with their extreme rhetoric – despite having voted against the resources border personnel need.”

America’s open southern border is putting enhanced danger on American law enforcement. Over the weekend, a video emerged of thousands of illegal immigrants attempting to storm past the border patrol.

Those expected to testify in Wednesday’s Congressional border hearings include Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw, Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe, National Border Patrol Council Vice President Chris Cabrera, and U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz.

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