Video: President Trump Praises National File’s ‘Very Good’ Reporting

Last Updated on March 28, 2023

During an interview on Fox News Monday night, Trump praised National File’s “exculpatory, very good story.” Instead of focusing on the contents of the article, mainstream media outlets have blown National File’s lead photo of the article out of proportion. Mainstream media outlets also accused Trump of creating the image when in reality National File created the image, and we are happy to take the heat.

Referring to National File’s article, President Trump told Sean Hannity, “We put up a story that was a very exculpatory, very good story from the standpoint of what we’re talking about. And they put up a picture of me. And you know where I was holding the baseball bat? It was at the White House, ‘Make America, Buy America’ because I did a lot of ‘Buy America’ things, and this was a company that makes baseball bats. Then they put next to that picture a picture of Alvin Bragg. I didn’t do it. They did it. Then, I guess the people that do the paper or somebody put pictures together.”

President Trump was right that we here at National File created the image in question. In response to Trump’s interview, National File’s Twitter account tweeted, “All the damage the left has done to this nation, and they’re still angry about a few mean tweets! It’s our image, President. @stockes76 [Frankie Stockes] made it. The issue is the NY Post and everyone else made it out to be your image, when it was ours. We’re happy to take the heat.”

House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) has said that Trump’s rhetoric will “get someone killed.” Interestingly, Rep. Jeffries has never criticized Kamala Harris for using her Twitter account to bail rioters out of jail. Mr. Jeffries has also never criticized Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) for her “get more confrontational” comments to an angry crowd that had the potential to turn into a mob. Many voters believe Trump’s fact-based criticism of Alvin Bragg does not even come close to the rhetoric and actions of Harris and Waters.

Polling reported on by National File shows Trump with a commanding lead in the 2024 GOP primary and the 2024 general election. This fact has forced Democrats and Never Trump Republicans to start grasping at straws regarding Donald Trump.