Turncoat Pence and Pelosi Get What They Want – Pence’s Protection from His Acts with Congress But Not from His Acts with President Trump

Overtly pious Mike Pence, President Trump’s turncoat VP, received the request he asked for from the courts this past week.  He is now protected from his actions related to Congress on Jan 6, but not from his actions around President Trump as VP. 

This is all part of the setup of President Trump on Jan 6.  Trump’s VP Pence got what he wanted.

Far-left Politico shared on a court’s ruling this past week.

A federal judge’s secret order on Tuesday requiring Mike Pence to testify about aspects of Donald Trump’s bid to subvert the 2020 election was also an unprecedented ruling about the vice presidency itself.

It is the first time in U.S. history that a federal judge has concluded that vice presidents — like presidents — are entitled to a form of immunity from prying investigators.

But unlike presidents, who draw all their power from the executive branch, vice presidents get their immunity from Congress, Chief U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg ruled. That’s because vice presidents — while commonly perceived as mere agents of the president — are constitutionally required to serve as president of the Senate. And officers of Congress, like lawmakers and their aides, enjoy immunity rooted in a provision of the Constitution known as the “speech or debate” clause, meant to safeguard Congress from law enforcement inquiries related to their official duties.

The vice president’s role as Senate president has become almost entirely ceremonial, with the occasional exception of casting tie-breaking votes and — every four years — presiding over the count of electoral votes after a presidential election. Vice presidents have long suggested they should enjoy the legal protections afforded to Congress, but Boasberg’s ruling is the first time a court has extended so-called speech-or-debate immunity to the vice presidency.

Experts say the ruling — which remains under seal but was described to POLITICO by a person familiar with its contours — is an important foray into thorny, unresolved questions about vice presidential power.

For context, Boesberg is an Obama Judge.  He also oversees the DC court full of corrupt Obama judges.  This is why the DC court, along with courts in other big cities,  has gone to hell.  Obama judges don’t rule on the law, they rule based on far-left political beliefs.

What is the rationale to keep this ruling under wraps?  Clearly, this Obama judge wants to hide something, a common corrupt tactic of corrupt Obama judges.

One Nasty Deep State NYT reporter was happy with Boesberg’s ruling:

Of course, President Trump committed no crimes but this doesn’t stop the corrupt media from fomenting the possibility that he has.  The corrupt Deep State has tried since the Obama administration to attach anything criminal to his record.  It hasn’t worked.

What this article notes is that Pence didn’t fight for executive privilege for his actions with President Trump, only for his actions with Pelosi, which the Obama judge granted. 

Boesberg’s hidden ruling reportedly prevents Pence from disclosing his actions with Pelosi and the Deep State on Jan 6.  This will protect Pence and the Deep State.

As reported previously, in order to prevent any motions to not certify the 2020 Election on Jan 6, Congress needed a crisis.  This crisis then placed Congress into an emergency session preventing any motions to vote to not certify results in any states that day.

Pence was part of this enterprise because it was necessary that he removed himself from his position over the Senate that day so the emergency session could take effect.

EXPLOSIVE: The 2020 Election Steal Required an “Emergency” on Jan 6 to Complete the Coup

Since Pence doesn’t have to

The post Turncoat Pence and Pelosi Get What They Want – Pence’s Protection from His Acts with Congress But Not from His Acts with President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.