Report: As many as 40 Law Enforcement Officers from Federal and State Agencies were Undercover on J6

Last Updated on April 10, 2023

A recent court filing by CondemnedUSA alleges there were more than 40 undercover agents from multiple state and federal law enforcement agencies in attendance on January 6th. CondemnedUSA made the court filing on behalf of January 6th defendant Dominic Pezzola.

Important aspects of CondemnedUSA’s recent court filing state: “At least two law enforcement agencies each outnumbered the FBI in terms of running undercover agents, informants, and CHSson Jan. 6. First, the DC Metro Police had at least 13 undercover plain-clothes agents among the Proud Boys and other patriots on Jan. 6. Next, there appear to have been some 19 CHSs on Jan. 6 belonging to an agency called HIS (Homeland Security Investigations). When added to the 8 FBI CHSs now acknowledged by the prosecutors, this means that there were at least forty (40)undercover informants or agents doing surveillance among defendants on January 6.”

The court filing also revealed that Pezzola’s defense team is attempting to call Ray Epps as a witness, “On Thursday, March 31, Pezzola filed a motion to serve witness Ray Epps by publication. Defendants contend Mr. Epps is being suspiciously protected from prosecution by the government. Pezzola’s motion included a paragraph addressing revelations by J6 defendant William Pope.”

One of the more shocking items included in the report states shortly before January 6th, Homeland Security attempted to flip current January 6th defender Jemery Brown, “in the days before Jan. 6, HSI handlers visited Brown’s residence and attempted to recruit Brown into becoming a paid CHS for Homeland Security Investigations.”

CondemnedUSA describes their organization as “a breakout Legal Advocacy Group fighting to restore the freedom and Unity of Underrepresented American Families.”

CondemnedUSA’s founder, Treniss Evans, founded the organization on the idea that “After experiencing the weight of his own persecution, Treniss turned his eye to the public, and founded Condemned USA to ensure no American ever has to endure what he endured, alone.”