Anti-Trump RINO: It’s Time To Accept That Trump Will Be The GOP Nominee

Even RINOs know that Donald Trump is the GOP frontrunner.

Columnist Matt Lewis, who left the GOP because of Donald Trump — and then “returned” — wrote in an op-ed that “it seems likely” that Trump “will once again be the GOP nominee.”

Lewis is now hoping that Trump loses in the general election.

Lewis added, “what I am telling myself lately is that, if Trump is destined for the nomination, something good might come from that…assuming he loses unambiguously (a big assumption), it would be hard for Republicans to picture Trump as a romantic hero if he leads them to yet another defeat.”

Raw Story reported:

Lewis, who briefly quit the GOP due to Trump, claims he doesn’t see any Republican on the horizon who is willing, or able, to wrest control of the party from the now indicted-former president. But the silver lining , he claims, is that Trump’s polling numbers show his approval number are headed straight down — or as MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski put it: “dropping like a rock” — and that could mean a career-ending loss in November 2024.

“Despite the obvious danger Trump poses, it seems likely that he will once again be the GOP nominee. The most plausible scenario for him not winning is that he could possibly die between now and the election. Trump is the clear frontrunner for the nomination. And the only possible solace I can take from this revelation is that it might finally bring an end to Trump’s grip on the Republican Party,” Lewis wrote.

Adding, “…what I am telling myself lately is that, if Trump is destined for the nomination, something good might come from that,” he continued, “Assuming he loses unambiguously (a big assumption), it would be hard for Republicans to picture Trump as a romantic hero if he leads them to yet another defeat.”

If Lewis is banking on Trump losing in 2024, he’s in trouble.

A recent poll found 47% saying they would vote for Donald Trump while only 40% say they would vote for Joe Biden.

Rasmussen reports reported:

If President Joe Biden seeks a second term in 2024, he faces an uphill battle for reelection against either of the two leading Republican candidates.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the 2024 presidential election were between Biden and former President Donald Trump, 47% of Likely U.S. voters would vote for Trump, while 40% would vote for Biden. Another 11% say they would vote for some other candidate. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Republican voters support Donald Trump!

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