In The Wake Of New Video Evidence, Appeal Filed In Jacob Chansley Case – “Jacob Seeks Vindication”

Jacob Chansley is fighting back against the Government.

He has now been released from prison — but Chansley didn’t receive evidence favorable to him prior to his guilty plea and sentencing.

Chansley’s lawyer has filed an appeal to vacate or correct his sentence.

According to the Give Send Go raising money for the appeal, “it is not expected that the Government will concede without a fight.”

The case can also help other Jan 6th defendants who were not given all of the Brady materials that applied to them.

From the Give Send Go:

This GiveSendGo account will have as its primary beneficiary Jacob Chansley, recently released by the Bureau of Prisons after serving the 41 month sentence imposed on him in connection with his guilty plea regarding his actions on January 6. Information developed over the past two months reveals that Jacob did not receive from the Government materials in discovery that were favorable to him, meaning they were not available prior to his guilty plea or sentencing. A motion to vacate or correct his sentence has now been filed, and it is not expected that the Government will concede without a fight. With Jake’s full support and approval — which he will personally give at an appropriate time — any excess funds will support the legal defense work being done for other January 6 defendants who cannot afford their own attorneys.

While Jacob cannot get back the time he has already lost since he’s served his sentence, exposing the ways in which he was prejudiced in his ability to defend himself against the Department of Justice might work to the advantage of other J6 defendants whose cases are not yet complete, or other J6 defendants who are also serving their sentences but may not have been provided with all the Brady material that applied to them. Jacob seeks vindication from this process, as well as the opportunity to provide assistance to others who may have also been prejudiced in a similar manner.

William Shipley, a lawyer for Chansley, explained in a Substack what evidence was not given to Chansley and the problems with what the government has said in the Chansley case.

In filings, the prosecutors claimed something that later video evidence showed was questionable:

Shipley points out that the released CCTV footage paints a different picture than the one from the government.

This includes Chansley having police officers open doors for him, including the doors to the Senate Chamber.


Shipwreckedcrew Substack reported:

As just about all my readers probably know, back on March 6, 2023, Fox News program host Tucker Carlson played Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera videos from inside the Capitol on January 6 that showed Jake Chansley calmly walking though various hallways and corridors of the Capitol, sometimes in the company of one or more U.S. Capitol Police Officers. He had several encounters with officers during his time in the building, but none involved any kind of physical altercation or hindrance by them of his presence.

The CCTV videos broadcast by Tucker Carlson paint a different portrait of Jake and his time inside the Capitol. There are videos of him walking alone, walking in the company of two U.S. Capitol Police Officers, walking between and among a group of 6-7 Capitol Police Officers, and having these Officers open doors for him to enter particular locations, including the Senate Chamber.

That last small little detail wasn’t mentioned by the Government.

None of that changes the fact that he entered the Capitol through doors that had been forced open by other protesters who themselves had broken windows to get inside. There were loud alarms going off, and nothing about his entrance into the Capitol could be described as “normal.”

You can donate to Chansley’s legal defense fund at Give Send Go here.

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