DeSantis Allies Attempt to Change FL Law to Allow Ron DeSantis to Run for POTUS

Ron DeSantis ally and Florida State Senator Travis Hutson released the text Florida Senate Bill 7050 on Tuesday, which will change Florida law to allow Ron DeSantis to run for President of the United States without resigning as governor of Florida first, as current Florida law states. DeSantis has been traveling across America, which many speculate is a shadow campaign for president.

Current Florida law states, “Any officer who qualifies for federal public office must resign from the office he or she presently holds if the terms, or any part thereof, run concurrently with each other.”

Under current Florida law, Ron DeSantis would have to resign as Florida Governor before running for President of the United States.

Florida State Senator Travis Hutson’s new law states, “This section does not apply to:1037 (c) Persons seeking the office of President or Vice 1038 President of the United States.” Meaning Ron DeSantis could remain governor of Florida and run for president simultaneously.

DeSantis allies hope they can pass SB 7050 as early as Wednesday. However, it is unclear how many Florida Republican Senators support this bill.

Laura Loomer, who has been covering SB 7050’s progress, wrote on Tuesday, “BREAKING: The Florida Senate just included an amendment to an election bill that changes Florida’s Resign to Run law, making a sole exception for @GovRonDeSantis! I’ve been telling you all for MONTHS. DeSantis had the law changed so he can run for President in 2024.”

As DeSantis’ allies attempt to change Florida law for his benefit, Ron DeSantis continues his presidential campaign-like trip across America and the world. Donald Trump’s Campaign pointed out that Ron DeSantis has spent half his time over the last two months outside of the State of Florida, “Ron DeSantis has spent half his time the past two months campaigning for President outside of Florida… while Florida taxpayers pick up the tab!”

Florida State Senator Travis Hutson’s SB 7050 is the latest indication that Ron DeSantis will formally announce a presidential run in May.

Related Video: DeSantis Teases Presidential Run on Hannity After Tucker’s Fox Departure