Michigan Democrats Try Criminalizing GPS Use, Have to Suspend Voting When They Start Losing

Democrats suspended voting on a bill package today to further criminalize all non-car GPS use in the Michigan House of Representatives, when the bill was on the floor and the voting was in progress. They then quickly adjourned.

The hypocritical left-wing coalition of ‘defending Democracy’ had to cheat in order to prevent a humiliating defeat for their own bill package, HB 4250-4252.

This bill package prohibits the holding or using of a mobile electronic device while driving. The bills also increase the penalties for a violation and allow the suspension of a license for multiple offenses. The bills go even further to prohibit receiving text messages while driving. These bills would allow suspension of your driver’s license after 3 offenses.

Democrats were outlawing the use of GPS on your phone, making it only legal if it was part of the vehicle.


Michigan already has laws on the books that make “distracted driving” illegal.

The bills were seen as a major handout to the Michigan insurance lobby, helping to further increase automotive insurance rates. Michigan already has the highest car insurance rates in the nation.

Democrats have a slim 56-54 member majority in the House Chamber, as well as a 20-18 majority in the State Senate. Despite those slim margins they have been passing as many radical bills as possible, often with token Republican support.


Four Republicans voted with Democrats to vote yes on the bill package. At least 9 Democrats were voting ‘no’ when the Democrats suspended voting. The four Republicans who voted with Democrats are Rep. Brad Slagh, Rep. Mike Mueller, Rep. Graham Filler, Rep. Pat Outman.

When the same bill package was in the Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure Committee, four Republicans voted for the same package: Rep. Pat Outman, Rep. John Roth, Rep. Tom Kunse, and Rep. Alicia St. Germaine. Staffers with knowledge on the intent of Republican voters claimed that Rep. Greg Van Woerkom was about to vote yes before the voting was suspended.


Rumors have been swirling in Lansing that Republican Leader Matt Hall has been selling Republican moderate votes to Democrat leadership in exchange for favors. Hall complained loudly in the media recently that Democrats were not fulfilling on their backroom deals. Staffers claim that Hall was lining up voters on this bill for the Democrats. Several Republicans have been privately grumbling about Hall’s constant backroom deals with Democrats, and are circulating the idea of replacing Hall as Minority Leader with Rep. Bryan Posthumus.

Notably the Michigan Department of Civil Rights opposed the bill package.

When the voting was happening, Democrat leader Puri was seen angrily speaking with House Speaker Joe Tate. Puri voted no on the package and was likely being pressured to vote yes, as Speaker Tate appeared frustrated during and after the exchange.

Nothing in the Michigan House is added to the voting agenda without the consent of the House Speaker. So this represents a significant failure of House leadership to deliver the votes needed to pass leadership priorities.

Democrats turned off the voting board and quickly adjourned for the day.

Democrat Julie Brixie attempted to gaslight and deflect by highlighting the meaningless vote on a resolution about librarians.


The ten Democrats who voted ‘no’ on the legislation were some of the chamber’s most liberal members, Rep. Andrews, Churches, Coffia, Dievendorf, Edwards, McKinney, Morgan, Puri, Wegela, Wilson.

Rep. Neil Friske

Conservative Champion Rep. Neil Friske said about the vote, “The Democrats have abused their power by speeding bills through without committee hearings, shutting down dissident voices, and kicking political opponents off committees. Now that they’ve finally failed at pushing their agenda, they can’t win their own caucus over and shut down the voting board to hide their shame? This is absurd.”

Though not entirely unprecedented, it is rare for votes to be suspended mid-vote. Democrat Louisiana Governor Huey Long, considered by mainstream historians to be a corrupt politician, installed a switch in his Governor’s office in the 1930’s that would turn off power to either chamber if he was losing a vote in the chamber.

Notably the corrupt Lansing lying left-wing media, typified by ‘reporters’ Craig Mauger, Jonathan Oosting, and Clara Hendrickson, have been silent on the Democrats suspending the vote on their own bills once they were losing.

The post Michigan Democrats Try Criminalizing GPS Use, Have to Suspend Voting When They Start Losing appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.