After Brian Kilmeade Ratings Disaster, Fox News Promotes Libertarian Lawrance Jones to Fill Tucker’s Slot

Last Updated on May 1, 2023

Fox News announced that anchor Lawrance Jones will fill Tucker Carlson’s former time slot this week. Jones describes himself as a libertarian and provided Bubba Wallace with a lay-up interview in July 2020 following Wallace’s noose hoax. Last week’s fill-in Brian Kilmeade experienced a rating drop by as much as 56 percent compared to Tucker’s show. Many former Tucker Carlson viewers refused to watch Kilmeade due to his support for Ron DeSantis and the GOP establishment.

Viewers rejected Fox News’ choice to have DeSantis supporter Brian Kilmeade host during Tucker Carlson’s former timeslot. Fox News ratings for the 8 pm hour dropped by 56 percent. Kilmeade was also heavily mocked when he made a sad and angry facial expression following West Virginia Senate candidate Jim Justice’s endorsement of Donald Trump for president on his show.

Fox’s new 8 pm host Lawrance Jones worked for the Obama campaign when he was 15. Jones now describes himself as a Libertarian. Jone’s current show on Fox, “One Nation with Lawrance Jones,” interviewed Nascar Driver Bubba Wallace in July 2020. Wallace, who is black, accused people of putting a noose in his garage in June 2020. After an investigation by Nascar and the FBI, it was determined that there was no noose in Wallace’s garage. To this day, Wallace has never apologized.

During the Jones and Wallace interview, Jones provided Wallace with a platform to spew Black Lives Matter violent rhetoric when BLM and Antifa were rioting in every major American city. Jones also referred to Wallace as the “face of Nascar” despite the fact that Wallace has never won a points championship or a major race like the Daytona 500 in the sport.

Many also wonder why Jones was picked for the 8 PM hour when he only has a one-weekend show on Fox and Fox anchors like Will Cain are better known to the public and have hosted major shows on Fox and ESPN in the past.

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