Oklahoma Bans Chemical Castration & Genital Mutilation of Children

Republican Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill that takes on the life-destroying trans lobby by making the genital mutilation of children a felony.  The new law also bans the prescribing of puberty-blocking drugs for minors. Doctors who violate the law will risk losing their medical licenses and may also face civil suits from parents of victimized children.

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed SB 613 into law on Monday, May 1st, making good on calls he made to ban the life-destroying genital and hormonal mutilation of children by “medical professionals” aligned with the trans lobby. Previously, Governor Stitt blocked funding to Oklahoma Children’s Hospital at Oklahoma University, because of the state-funded hospital’s child mutilation practices.

“Last year, I called for a statewide ban on all irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies on minors so I am thrilled to sign this into law today and protect our kids,” Governor Stitt said in a statement announcing the legislation’s signing.

“We cannot turn a blind eye to what’s happening across our nation, and as governor I am proud to stand up for what’s right and ban life-altering transition surgeries on children in the state of Oklahoma.”

NBC News reported on Oklahoma’s new law by characterizing it as a ban on “gender-affirming medical care”.  This phrase is commonly used by the LGBTQ lobby to disguise the life-altering and permanent damage done to children by off-label drugs and grisly surgeries.

Oklahoma is the latest of several states to enact laws that aim to protect children from the LGBT agenda.

Earlier this year Arkansas and Tennessee passed legislation designed to ban children from attending drag shows.

Last week, the Texas senate gave final approval to a bill that makes doctors and insurance companies responsible for medical complications that are caused by transgender surgeries.  LGBTQ opponents claim the law will create a disincentive and insurance companies will no longer cover genital mutilating surgeries because of the increased monetary risk.

As states continue to pass laws making the trans lifestyle illegal for minors, progressive radicals may turn violent.  The trans terrorist who murdered Christians at a Nashville school allegedly did so in response to Tennessee’s new laws thwarting the LGBTQ agenda.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates…

Related: Brain Swelling, Vision Loss Among Puberty Blocker Side Effects, FDA Admits