Report: Massive Bus Caravan of Migrants Out of Costa Rica Headed to the US Border as Title 42 Expires (VIDEO)

The US Border Patrol is readying for the largest illegal migrant surge at the southern border in US history next week.

Joe Biden is lifting Title 42 – Already, 700,000 to One Million illegals have assembled at the border ready to surge across the US southern border. Joe Biden has opened the borders to millions of illegal invaders.

Title 42 is expected to be lifted on May 10th.

22,000 apprehensions were recorded at the border in the last 72 hours.

Joe Biden is sending 1,500 US troops to the border to process the hundreds of thousands of illegals ready to invade.

Now, investigative journalist Michael Yon reported that 24 buses of illegal aliens left Darien up Highway 1 on the way to Costa Rica to the USA border.

“NOW: 24 busses of aliens leaving Darien up Highway 1 on way to Costa Rica to USA. After I stopped taping they kept coming. There will be more tonight. We heading to Darien camp now,” Yon tweeted.


“America is being DESTROYED — busses filled with tuberculosis, rape, murder, spies and operators heading to towns across America,” Yon tweeted.

“Americans Constantly Ask who is paying for the rape and murder invasion. Answer: YOU PAY,” he added.

“And when the economy explodes and there are food shortages, this will transition from Planet of the Rapes to Cannibal Planet. Folks who have read my work for years know how dangerously accurate I tend to be…year after year and conflict after conflict. This will transition to straight-up kinetic war with massive all-cause casualties ranging from serious diseases to bodies in the streets with blood running into the storm sewers. You will see. War is my business.”

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