George Santos Affirms Commitment to Justice for Guo Wengui/Miles Guo at NFSC Headquarters

(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

by Matt Palumbo

On Friday April 5th, during a campaign stop, Republican Congressman George Santos visited the Darlington Mansion in New Jersey, which serves as the headquarters of the New Federal State of China, a social movement founded by Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Guo).

Guo is currently being detained without bail ahead of trial in New York, which is virtually unprecedented in a state with such lax bail laws. When it comes to the CCP’s infiltration of U.S. society, Congress has had all eyes on TikTok and none on the CCP’s infiltration of our courts, media, and more. Following years of warnings that the CCP had set up their own police stations on U.S. soil to monitor American citizens and Chinese dissidents, recent arrests in New York confirmed it. Dozens of officers of China’s national police force were charged in connection to running an elite task force called the “912 Special Group.” The 912 Group is named after September 12th, the day that Guo filed for asylum in the U.S. after fleeing CCP persecution.

Santos is the first member of Congress to give the persecution of Guo, the public enemy number one of the CCP,  the attention it deserves.

Santos told a captive audience of NFSC supporters that he’d be releasing a comprehensive and aggressive plan to tackle the CCP within the next few weeks, and that it would specifically be to advocate for a fair justice system and trial for Guo.

Santos called into question how it was that the two CCP officers arrested for allegedly running a secret police station were released the same day without bail, when Guo is still behind bars. Prosecutors have argued that Guo would be a flight right, but as Santos rightly points out, these CCP officers would be even more of a flight risk, so it makes no sense they were let out on bail but not Guo. The contradictory treatment only makes sense in light of an extensive CCP web of influence that has affected our courts.

Through his advocacy for Guo, Santos also draws attention to the wider issues at stake regarding the CCP’s plans for world domination. Santos highlighted the CCP’s systemic human rights violations, including its persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, suppression of freedom of expression, and its aggressive expansionist policies. By shedding light on these abuses, Santos brings the plight of countless individuals suffering under the CCP’s oppressive rule to the forefront of discourse. “I’ve done a lot of soul searching. And I will not stop until Miles Guo is free and is given a trial. And I will not stop until the CCP is eradicated from this planet.,” Santos said. “These are the commitments I make to every American. That if you care for freedom, this is an issue I care about, because the true goal of the CCP is world domination. That’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s a fact,” he added before mentioning the CCP’s crimes against Taiwan and Hong Kong.

“There is a day where the whole world will come to rescue you. And I will free you, even if it’s the last thing I do in Congress, we will work together to free everybody from this oppression, everyone from the CCP. And We will take down President Xi and hold him accountable for this crime against humanity, and all his crimes against humanity.”

While most members of Congress are happy to talk about China and then do nothing, Santos has emerged as someone willing to walk the walk. As the only member of Congress actively advocating for Guo’s cause, Santos demonstrates an exceptional commitment to defending human rights and democracy both within our borders and on a global scale. His unwavering support for Guo represents a refreshing departure from the often-compromising attitudes seen among politicians, most of whom are reluctant to challenge powerful adversaries, or do so only with empty words.

While his re-election campaign is still a while off, during a question and answer session near the end of his visit, Santos foreshadowed an anti-CCP focus. “I’m going to put together most of the agenda of my former campaign, and now moving forward it’s going to be continuity on that, but now I’m going to embrace bigger missions such as ending communist in the world. Such as standing to foreign foes and not backing down as Americans, and putting legislation forward to stop Americans from funding communist regimes all around the world.  Because if we stop feeding it, and funding it, and financing it, it dies. Communist only thrives if we pay for it.”

For America to remain a beacon of liberty – the CCP and its influence must be crushed, and Santos is now the only member of Congress making that a central issue.

About the author: Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros (2021), Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York (2020), Debunk This! Shattering Liberal Lies (2019), and Spygate (2018).

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