Transgender Colorado State Representative Brianna Titone wrote about his fake “boobs” and tweeted at President Trump about private parts in a series of web posts that also revealed that transgender Democrat Titone held a drag show fundraiser, affiliated with ActBlue, where attendees were NOT required to be 18 years old.
Titone’s Twitter account tweeted several times about his fake “boobs” writing, “Yay! I’m still reminded when I lean into something on my boobs and it’s like: Eeek! You’ll know what I mean soon enough.”
I'm still reminded when I lean into something on my boobs and it's like: Eeek!
You'll know what I mean soon enough.— Brianna (@BCTDenver) September 1, 2017
Titone also tweeted, “The pain is worth it. Cheers to new boobs!”
The pain is worth it. Cheers to new boobs!
— Brianna (@BCTDenver) July 13, 2017
“OMG! That would totally be a shock to lose boob size. Hope they bounce back!”
OMG! That would totally be a shock to lose boob size. Hope they bounce back!
— Brianna (@BCTDenver) April 13, 2017
Titone’s unhinged tweets expanded past boobs. Titone tweeted at President Trump asking to compare private parts, writing, “Trump: my [eggplant emoji] is more bigly than yours. Believe me.”
Trump: my is more bigly than yours. Believe me.
— Brianna (@BCTDenver) August 9, 2017
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Most disturbing, Titone displayed unprofessional behavior in a significant way during the campaign. Titone held a drag show fundraiser that had no age requirements to attend. The ActBlue fundraiser’s page states you must be 18 to donate to the campaign. However, there was no mention that people had to be over 18 to attend the event. Titone tweeted about the event, writing, “If you live in or around Denver, come to my Drag Show Fun-raiser! The first one was called the “best political fundraiser they ever went to!”
If you live in or around Denver, come to my Drag Show Fun-raiser! The first one was called the "best political fundraiser they ever went to"! #copolitics #COHD27
— Brianna (@BCTDenver) September 21, 2018
Titone is a sponsor of SB23-188, Protections For Accessing Reproductive Health Care. Titone’s bill ensures minors can have sex change operations in Colorado. Titone has been on a media tour recently attempting to sell the bill to the public.
Titone is becoming a mainstream media favorite and a rising star in the Democrat party, signaling that the Democrats are looking for their next generation of leaders to consist of individuals who host Dragshow fundraisers, support child sex change operations, and tweet about fake “boobs” on men.