Woke Biden-Appointed US Attorney Resigns Amid Corruption Scandal

Last Updated on May 19, 2023

The Biden-appointed woke US Attorney for Massachusetts, Rachel Rollins, announced her resignation this week following a months-long ethics investigation that included a look at her attendance at a Democrat Party fundraiser with Jill Biden and interference in local Suffolk County elections.

Radical US Attorney Rachel Rollins, the United States Attorney for Massachusetts, announced her resignation this week amid a probe from the Inspector General’s office of the Justice Department into her attendance at a Democrat fundraiser and interference in the election for District Attorney in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which surrounds the city of Boston.

Rollins was the top prosecutor for Suffolk County, where she enforced radical pro-criminal policies including refusing to prosecute shoplifters and other petty criminals, as well feuding with Boston’s largest Police Union. 

In early 2021, Biden nominated the blatantly pro-criminal prosecutor to be the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, at the behest of far-left Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Her nomination has frequently been attributed to the fact that she is an African-American woman. Rollins faced fierce opposition from Republicans and only was confirmed by Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote.

As US Attorney, Rollins continued her support of radical policies and the Democrat Party. She was dogged by ethics scandals.

Last year, the Associated Press reported that Rollins attended a Democrat fundraiser in Andover with Jill Biden, violating the Hatch Act.

Other allegations include that a vacation Rollins took in California was paid for by an outside group, in potential violation of federal law, and that she used her personal phone to conduct DOJ Business.

The most severe allegation against Rollins is that she conspired with Boston City Councilman Ricardo Arroyo (D-Boston) by illegally leaking information on his opponent from the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office to the press. The attempts to tamper in a local election by a federal legal authority have been called out by numerous local officials as the biggest corruption scandal in recent Massachusetts history.

Thanks to the corruption that led to her resignation, Rollins goes down as just another example of Joe Biden and the Democrats choosing an unqualified radical to serve in a position of power, only to abuse it.

This report was authored by Adam Danberg. Adam is a reporter based in the Hudson Valley of New York. He is involved in local politics and is an avid history buff dedicated to saving New York.

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