Working Class Failure: Ron DeSantis Polls at 9% in WV

Last Updated on May 30, 2023

2024 West Virginia GOP primary polling from ECU shows Florida Governor Ron DeSantis polling at 9%. DeSantis has attempted to brand himself as a champion of the working class. However, West Virginia polling results show working class voters are not buying what DeSantis is trying to sell. Generally, West Virginia polling has a good read on America’s Rust Belt region that stretches into Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, signaling DeSantis could be in significant trouble.

ECU polling from West Virginia shows Trump — 54% (+45), DeSantis — 9%, Pence 5%, T. Scott 4%, Haley 3%, Ramaswamy 2%, and Hutchinson 2%.

Uniquely positioned between the South and Midwest with a long history of coal mining and energy production, West Virginia is a staple of America’s working class and Rust Belt and has dramatically swung from voting deeply Democrat to deeply Republican in the span of roughly a generation.

Ron DeSantis has attempted to brand himself as working class. However, it appears working class GOP voters view Ron DeSantis as just another politician who globalist billionaires and RINOs control.

Michael Moore, of all people, may have put it best, saying, “Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of Ford Executives and said if you close these factories and build them in Mexico, I will put a 35% tariff on those cars. It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything to these executives, and it was music to the ears of the people of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It’s why every beaten down, nameless, forgotten working stiff that was once called the middle class loves Trump.”

Trump has tweeted Moore’s video in the past with a caption that read “#ICYMI: I agree- To all Americans, I see you & I hear you. I am your voice. Vote to #DrainTheSwamp with me on 11/8. ”

During his first term, Trump stood up to Ford and prevented the company from closing American plants and moving them to Mexico. “Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs in the U.S. This is just the beginning – much more to follow,” Trump tweeted on July 4th, 2017.

America’s working-class rejection of DeSantis has not stopped globalist elites from donating to the Florida Governor’s Presidential campaign. DeSantis has raised 8 million dollars since his launch. Many suspect the global elites believe DeSantis is their best chance of stopping Trump.

Related: Trump Support Swells as DeSantis Collapses in New National Poll