McCarthy MIA as Capitol Police Stop Elementary School Kids from Singing National Anthem

Last Updated on June 2, 2023

An appalling incident happened at the United States Congress on Friday. U.S. Capitol Police stopped elementary school students from the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir from singing the National Anthem. Worse, GOP members of Congress granted the students permission to sing the National Anthem before the U.S. Capitol Police shut the kids down. U.S. Capitol Police shut the National Anthem down because they found the song offensive. Speaker McCarthy is in charge of the U.S. Capitol Police.

A Video shows kids singing the National Anthem in Statuary Hall. As the kids are singing, a U.S. Capitol Police officer approaches the music teacher directing the students and tells the teacher the kids must stop singing the National Anthem because officers felt offended by the song. After the officer gave the order to stop singing, the kids look scared, confused, and sad.

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Rushingbrook Children’s Choir’s mission is “To awaken and develop in Christian young people their God-given musical ability, to nurture a sense of artistry in singing, and to do all for the glory of God.”

Even more disturbing is the fact that the children were invited by South Carolina GOP Reps Russell Fry, Joe Wilson, and William Timmons to sing in the capitol. It’s reported that upon learning of the incident, Rep. Wilson instructed his staff to get to the bottom of what happened.

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is in charge of the United States Capitol Police, meaning McCarthy has the power to discipline the officers involved and change USCP policy to ensure an incident like this never happens again.

So far, McCarthy has failed to hold the United States Capitol Police accountable and hasn’t even commented on the incident.

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