Biden’s Tool Jack Smith Takes No Questions After Announcing Trump Indictment

Last Updated on June 9, 2023

Special prosecutor Jack Smith, who was appointed by Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland, took zero questions from the media on Friday after announcing a 38-count indictment against Donald Trump. Many are shocked and concerned that the Biden DOJ will not answer for charging their top political opponent.

During his brief remarks, Smith stated that he wants Donald Trump’s trial to start quickly. Many are wondering if this means that the Biden DOJ is attempting to lock up their top political opponent before the election.

More concerning, Jack Smith refused to answer any questions from the media following his remarks. Smith turned his back to the media and walked away when he was asked, “Why Florida sir? Why did you choose to try this case in Florida?”

Many find it concerning Jack Smith took no questions after charging a president with 38 counts that could send Trump to jail for the rest of his life.

2 minutes before Smith spoke, Trump posted on TurthSocial, “Biden moved his Boxes all over the place, including to Chinatown and up to his lawyer’s office in Boston. Why isn’t deranged Jack Smith looking at that? Also, I supplied them openly, and without question, security tape from Mar-a-Lago. I had nothing to hide, nor do I now. Nobody said I wasn’t allowed to look at the personal records that I brought with me from the White House. There’s nothing wrong with that…. ”

Trump’s post continued, “….Biden had records for years, totally unsecured, even stolen when he was a Senator. This is crazy! Just like Jack Smith, Lisa Monaco, and the man they sent to the D.A.’s Office, Matt Colangelo. It isn’t America anymore. Under the Presidential Records Act, I’m allowed to do all this. Under the Clinton Socks Case, the decision is clear. There was no crime, except for what the DOJ and FBI have been doing against me for years.”

Stay with National File as this story continues to develop.