CNN, MSNBC and PBS Censor President Trump After Arrest

CNN’s Jake Tapper, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, and PBS censored President Trump on Tuesday following his arrest. These networks censored Trump while at the same time having no issue with Biden DOJ lackeys like Andrew McCabe joining their live broadcasts during Trump’s arrest.

Jake Tapper became enraged live on air over the fact that CNN was showing a live stream of Trump stopping at Cafe Versailles following his arrest. Tapper could not stand the fact that Trump was receiving significant amounts of support at the Cafe. Tapper told his audience, ” The folks in the control room I don’t need to see any more of that. He’s trying to turn it into a campaign ad that’s enough of that.”

CNN cut the feed after Tapper’s comments. Earlier on Tuesday, CNN had Andrew McCabe on the air spewing disproven lies about Trump- Russia.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow informed her viewers that the network would not be carrying Trump’s post-arrest speech live, saying, “We do not intend to carry his remarks live, as we have said before in these circumstances there is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast untrue things, we are here to bring you the news, it hurts our ability to do that if we broadcast live what we fully expect in advance to be limey of lies of false accusations.”

PBS joined the censor club as well. During Trump’s speech, PBS blasted a message at the bottom of the screen that read, “Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence.” PBS’ censorship has called many to call for a defunding of PBS.

CNN, MSNBC, and PBS act as if they care about facts and preventing violence, but in reality, these networks reported every Russian Collusion lie with glee. These networks also cheered on the 2020 ANTIFA BLM riots calling them ‘mostly peaceful protests’ and encouraging Americans to participate.

Tuesday’s mainstream media censorship is yet more proof that the globalist will do whatever it takes to stop the MAGA movement.

Related: President Trump Addresses The Nation From Bedminster, NJ