Conservative Treehouse had a perfect summary of Ron DeSantis, pointing out that DeSantis was a ploy to make GOP voters believe Florida was a “free state” during covid. However, it was all just a psyop to undermine Trump in 2024.
“The WHOLE reason DeSantis was the most popular Governor thruout his first term, was a CON; EVERY action he took as Governor, was a political calculation planned and intended to create the image of “the free State of Florida” and RDS as ‘Trump lite’. It wasn’t that he ‘changed” after getting the $millions, he was ALWAYS terrible at connecting with voters, a terrible campaigner, and he was NEVER MAGA; it was all a ‘PR’ or advertising campaign to create a totally artificial, and unconnected from reality IMAGE.”
“And it is that IMAGE that people ‘fell in love with’ and it never existed.”
“This is important because if people don’t understand this, recognise they were ‘conned’ and understand HOW they were manipulated, they will keep falling for it, every time.”
“However, once you understand your own vulnerability to being manipulated, accept you need to CHANGE how you view things, THEN you won’t need someone else (like Sundance) to point it out to you, again.
5 minutes of OBJECTIVELY looking at a candidate, will be about 4 1/2 minutes more than necessary, to spot the phonies.”
On Friday, Ron Desantis will be hosting a fundraiser in D.C. with a child mutilation lobbyist. This is yet more proof that DeSanits is nothing more than a Trump phony.