Gaetz Intends to Vacate the Chair Following McCarthy’s Latest Failure

Last Updated on October 1, 2023

Matt Gaetz announced Sunday that he intends to file a motion to vacate the chair this week. Gaetz said, “I think we need to rip off the band-aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership.” McCarthy used Democrat votes on Saturday to pass the Biden-Schumer-McConnell Continuing Resolution Deal that funds Biden’s DOJ witch hunts against Trump and his supporters.

Gaetz posted to X, “I will file a motion to vacate against @SpeakerMcCarthy this week.”

Gaetz and his coalitions’ anger centers around the agreement McCarthy made with them in January; McCarthy promised Gaetz that he would move away from single spending bills that fund the whole United States government. Instead of upholding his commitment, McCarthy decided to work with Biden, Schumer, and McConnell to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government. McCarthy and McConnell used Democrat support in their respective chambers to pass the CR on Saturday.

Worse, the McCarthy-Schumer-Biden CR deal funds Biden’s DOJ witch hunts against Trump and his supporters. Gaetz had previously pledged to vacate the chair if McCarthy continued funding Biden’s witch hunts.

Prior to Saturday’s CR Vote, 45th President Trump posted, “I hear that Old Crow Mitch McConnell, together with his small band of weak and ineffective RINOS like Mitt Romney and “Hopeless” John Cornyn, are, as usual, trying to cobble together a series of massive concessions for Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and the Lunatic Left, in order to “bail out” Crooked Joe Biden, THE WORST & MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. The Old Crow, and his group of ten (plus) COWARDS, have savaged our Country by approving Trillions of Dollars for Green New Deal Insanity, and the Weaponization of our System of ‘Injustice.’ Don’t do it!!!”

Gaetz said, “The only way Kevin McCarthy is Speaker of the House at the end of this week is if Democrats bail him out.”

It will be interesting to see if Democrats bail out their pal Speaker McCarthy again. Stay with NationalFile for continued updates on this evolving story.

Related: Rep. Gaetz Says McCarthy-Led House GOP Dropped the Ball