BlackRock-Backed Austin Scott Enters Speaker Race

Last Updated on October 13, 2023

Georgia Congressman Austin Scott announced Friday that he and his deep ties to the uni-party are entering the race for Speaker of the House. FEC records show Scott is backed by BlackRock. Scott also fought against 2020 election integrity efforts. Scott announced his candidacy after it became clear Jim Jordan was closing in on the necessary 217 votes to become Speaker. President Donald J. Trump backs Jordan.

Scott wrote on X, “I have filed to be Speaker of the House. We are in Washington to legislate, and I want to lead a House that functions in the best interest of the American people.”

Scott is clearly the uni-party’s choice for House Speaker. FEC records show BlackRock Capital Management INC Political Action Committee has donated to Austin Scott for Congress INC since 2016.

FEC records also show Scott began receiving payments from Koch Industries INC Political Action Committee in 2011. Koch Industries and their allies have pledged to destroy Donald Trump and the America First movement.

Scott supports sending boatloads of United States taxpayer money to Ukraine. This should come as no surprise as FEC records show large contributions to Scott’s reelection campaign have been funded by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

Worse, Scott actively fought against President Trump’s 2020 election integrity efforts.

In a statement, Scott referred to his vote against challenging Biden’s Georgia victory as “voting to uphold the Constitution in Electoral College Certification.” Scott’s statement continued, “I’m also very proud of Vice President Mike Pence, and I am honored to have known him many years and call him a friend.”

The uni-party announced Scott’s candidacy after it became clear that Jim Jordan, whom Donald Trump has endorsed, was closing in on the needed 217 votes to become House Speaker.

House Democrats are doing all they can to obstruct the progress made toward Jordan’s speakership. Most House Democrats left D.C. Friday, making it very difficult for the House to call the quorum necessary for a speakership vote to take place. A vote is not expected until Monday at the earliest.

Stay with National File for continuing updates on the House Speaker race.

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