UC Davis Professor Threatens to Hunt Down Jewish Journalists in Their Homes

There is an epidemic of mentally ill people who run academia. It’s bad enough that universities all across the U.S. are tainted by leftist professors, but with these kinds of people, we are reaching new levels.

UC Davis Professor Jemma Decristo made threats against Jews last week after Hamas terrorists ambushed Israel and slaughtered more than 1,300 Jews.

The professor referenced ‘Zionist journalists’ and was quoted as saying on her UC Davis page: “one group of ppl we have easy access to in the US is all these zionist journalists who spread propaganda and misinformation, they have houses w addresses, kids in school, they can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more.” After the quote there are emojis with a knife, axe, and blood droplets.

Making threats against people and referencing their homes and children in no way comes even close to First Amendment protections. This woman should be arrested. Period.

This is a real problem for the U.S. because, in the name of misguided tolerance, we allow people into this nation who don’t want to assimilate as Americans. There has been a lot of anti-Semitic rallies and chants since Israel was attacked by Hamas. We see it, especially in academia, primarily colleges, but it is also affecting younger people as well.

This next video shows high school kids in San Francisco marching in the hallway chanting, “Palestine must be free, from the rivers to the sea.” The whole point of being in school is to get an education. But here we see these young people promoting a group that endorses violence during school hours.


Charlie Kirk is absolutely right when he says: “We must stop importing people who hate Jews and hate America. The experiment has officially failed.”

There has been a lot of hate on college campuses since Hamas attacked Israel. The Gateway Pundit Reported recently about how some students at Harvard were supporting Hamas and how people should not hire them, according to Alan Dershowitz.

During a recent appearance on the Sean Hannity Show, Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz suggested that Harvard students who are showing support for Hamas should be treated like the KKK.

The post UC Davis Professor Threatens to Hunt Down Jewish Journalists in Their Homes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.