Warmongers Lose Big: Polling shows Trump is the only GOP Candidate with Comfortable Lead in Texas

Last Updated on October 26, 2023

2024 general election polling from YouGov America and The Texas Politics Project shows out of all the Republican presidential candidates, Donald Trump is the only one with a comfortable lead in Texas. Trump’s America First policies of tariffs and ending forever wars are clearly separating him from the 2024 field.

Polling from the state of Texas shows Trump leading Biden by 8 points, 45%-37%. The same poll shows DeSantis only leading Biden by 1 point, 39%-38%. Polling also shows Biden beating Hayle by 2 points, Ramaswamy by 3 points, Scott by 1 point and Pence by 7 points.

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate pledging to prevent World War 3. Trump is also the only candidate promising to use the power of tariffs to force countries like China to accpect fair trade.

Hayle, DeSanits and Scott have all singled out their intentions to ramp up Ukraine funding and implement a Paul Ryan-like free trade policy that will give Chinese farms and companies an advantage over American ones.

The last time the GOP lost Texas in a presidential election was in 1976 when Jimmy Carter beat Gerald Ford in the Lone Star State.

The latest poll numbers from Texas indicate that most Texans view all GOP presidential candidates not named Donald Trump as the same. Exposing the uniparty has been one of Trump’s greatest accomplishments.

Ron DeSantis and Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley have been making the false argument in recent weeks to GOP voters that Trump can’t win the general election.

In reality, it is actually DeSanits and Haley who are the unelectable ones. Both Ron and Nimarata should apologize to GOP voters for lying to them.

The GOP Primary kicks off in January with the Iowa Caucus. Based on GOP Primary Polling, Trump is expected to have the nomination clinched by Super Tuesday in early March.

Stay with NationalFile for continuing coverage of the 2024 election.