Trump to present Classified Evidence that 2020 Election was Stolen.

Last Updated on October 27, 2023

Newly released court documents show President Trump will present evidence in his upcoming D.C. trial that a foreign power stole the 2020 election. Trump will also present classified evidence that a foreign power impacted the 2016 election. Democrats have falsely accused Trump of colluding with Russia in 2016 and 2020. Trump is now turning the tables, showing the American people that it was actually the Democrats colluding with foreign powers.

The newly released court documents read, “President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities.”

The Durham report revealed that the Obama White House knew Hillary Clinton was receiving cash from a foreign influence operation during the 2016 election. The report read, “FBI-0008217 (Office ofProfessional Responsibility (OPR) lett Clinton campaign’s purported acceptance of a campaign contribution that was made by the FBI’s own long-term CHS on behalf of Insider-I and, ultimately, Foreign Government-3.”

Matt Gaetz recently revealed how the Deep State falsely accused Trump of colluding with Russia during the 2020 election via Hunter Biden’s laptop. Gaetz said, “So people know who Mike Morell is former Deputy Director of the CIA, former Acting Director of the CIA, he wanted to be Joe Biden’s CIA Director got a phone call from Tony Blinken who was representing the Biden campaign saying ‘gee Mike doesn’t this Hunter Biden laptop look like Russian disinformation?’ Morell testifies that it triggers him to be the ring leader of an enterprise to put together a letter for the specific purpose of use of Joe Biden in the presidential debate.”

GOP House investigations into Biden have also revealed strong ties between the Biden family and Communist China. Given the facts that we know, it would not be shocking at all if Biden and the Deep State colluded with the CCP to rig the 2020 election.

Stay with NationalFile for continuing coverage of the Trump Trials.