Mysterious Bright Light and Loud Boom Reported In Minnesota (VIDEO)

Residents all across Beltrami County, Minnesota saw a bright light followed by a loud boom in the sky on Monday evening around 6:40 pm.

County officials initially said it was a meteor but now those same officials are taking back their comments.

Beltrami County is in northern Minnesota.

Christopher Muller who serves as the Beltrami County Emergency Management Director stated, “This has certainly been an interesting puzzle to try and solve, and we still don’t know exactly what it was.”

Muller continued, “We appreciate the assistance we’ve received from federal agencies and science community in ruling out what it wasn’t and will continue to provide any subsequent information that is learned.”


Per Fox 9 News:

A bright light followed by a loud boom in Bemidji Monday night had people wondering what was going on.

The Beltrami County Emergency Communications Center received numerous reports of a loud explosion and bright flash in the sky before 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13. Reports of people seeing, hearing and feeling the incident came in from southern Beltrami County and adjacent counties, Beltrami County Emergency Management said on Facebook Monday.

“I live a couple miles east of Bemidji, and it rattled my windows and scared the soul out of my dog who was outside and demanded to be let in the house. The lights in the house prevented seeing the flash of light. Law enforcement checked the area as well as power substations and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. There hasn’t been any power outages reported,” Beltrami County Emergency Management said on Facebook.

Beltrami County authorities later provided the video to NASA for further investigation.

Beltrami County Emergency Management later reported an update from NASA and revealed NASA “Analyzed the video frame by frame and determined the object is too horizontal to indicate it was a meteor.”

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